
Well Known Member
A suggestion for Doug: please add an RSS feed to the VAF main page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rss

I've gotten to the point now where I get all my news via Google Reader, reader.google.com. In a few minutes per day, I can check headlines from 19 different sources. I'd love to add VAF to that list. As it is now, I only check the VAF main page every couple of weeks.

Thanks for the suggestion!

I purposely keep the front page simple, plain Jane HTML. I like the slightly less technical, newspapery feel and I'm one of those K.I.S.S. fans. I present it in a daily visit kinda way, specifically to focus the reader on RV stuff only, unlike something like CEOexpress.com or similar. I get bombarded with enough information on a daily basis, so I chose to make the front page a sit-with-your-coffee-and-enjoy kind of experience (that's the intent at least). One page. All RV. Updated five days a week. No Britney Spears links over on the side <g>.

I read a great article about a month ago touting why the Drudge Report is one of the best designed web sites on the web, and I kinda agree with the author's points. Simple works.

You can already pull any portion of the forums into a RSS reader (instructions), but you probably already knew that.

d 'old school' r
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I wanted the same thing. I get most of my content from Google Reader.

I am just not the type to go out and visit several different sites to get updated. I use the RSS feed Doug provides to keep up to date.

For the front page, I set up a Page2Rss link.

That lets me see Dougs updates, without having to guess when/if it was last updated.

I have also used this for a few build logs that I watch that are on kitlogpro.

Doug... I am also curious if you watch any stats on how popular the RSS feed is?
snip....Doug, I am also curious if you watch any stats on how popular the RSS feed is?

Not as much traffic as you would think. Less than 2%. Most folks come in through the front page of VAF and then click on 'New Posts' or 'Today's Posts'.

Actually not all that surprising.

RSS has really revolutionized how I get at information. Instead of me having to actively seek out information, I subscribe to the "feeds" that I am interested in.

With that, there is only one place to go, then sort through the articles I want to read.

Imagine driving all around to go pick up magazines, newspapers, newsletters all over town vs. having somebody take it all, and compile it into a single volume (every day), with a nice index so you can quickly read only the articles that interest you.
I agree about adding a feed to the front page. I only visit sporadically for the same reason. I even like filters on top of RSS (such as www.aiderss.com) to filter things down more.

Apologies to the non techies, but all this geeking out is the only hope left in my day if I want to track things.

Ditto on the benefits of RSS & Google Reader. The link above looks like a good substitute. Thanks Brent.

Not sure I understand the idea that the complexity or look-n-feel of the site had to change to add RSS. It's all under the covers, and one new link to the RSS feed. No? I already subscribe to 'Today's Posts' area of the forums. Good stuff. Thanks Doug.
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