
Well Known Member
It seems that Dynon issues, for whatever reasons (I'm not there yet) are:
- Controversial (between user, Dynon and VANs)
- Complicated (at least for the non techies because it's the nature of the animal)
- Of major importance, at least for the 50 some who are flying

My problem (I am building the wings) is that it looks like this subject is unwittingly but surely eating up this forum and if this continues, those of us who are still building (350+ of us and growing fast) are going feel on their own with their trivial plans/instructions issues.
My suggestion is that the Dynon issues would justify a forum on their own, specially if, as suggested by some, most of these issues might not be RV-12 related...
... Plus, it would save me a lot of aggravation searching this forum when I'm ready to fly and I have my own Dynon problems :D
Sorry, Jean-Pierre, while I appreciate your comments I can't agree with your suggestion. The RV12 is a package from which we can not deviate if we want an approved ELSA. The avionics package is an intergrated and critical component of that package. To hide it elsewhere would serve no good purpose to the builder/flyers as we need every piece of pertinant information we can get to deal with the issues as they arise. As a new builder it has value for you as well to give a preview of what you may have to face later on. It may be a pain to read about it and if it is for you just look at the topics that are consistent with your present progress level. Good luck with your RV12. I believe it the best RV Van has produced to date, and I have built a 6A and have flown/or ridden in most of them.
Just my humble opinion.
Dick Seiders 120093
J-P, It is the nature of a forum for the topics to be driven by the early builders. A year from now, topics will be annual condition inspection TBO, and extra fuel tanks for over-water flights.

The search feature is the best tool for us latter-builders. I expect that in a few months when you are scratching your head over the Dynon, you'll be able to access the good information generated in the long Dynon thread. Or better yet, the new, improved Dynon you receive will be 100% trouble-free!

Jim in Texas
Dynon updated
A suggestion to improve forum effectiveness...

For background, I have installed the Dynon and fired it up but not yet flown - not counting sitting in the shop going vroom vroom! So far all the static indications seem to be normal. I have upgraded to 5.4 and appplied the switch lighting fix without difficulty.

While I understand Jean-Pierre's point, it is not the number of Dynon threads, it's the convoluted nature of the content that bothers me. For example, what started out as a simple poll turned into a discussion of specific problems. Multiple issues are buried in other threads that make them hard to find.

Seems to me that folks should start a new thread with a very descriptive title when they have an issue, and then responders should stick to that topic. This would, IMHO, help present and future builders sort through the various threads and zero in on a particular issue. It would also help those of us who are more computer and electronics savvy to try and help the less techy oriented folks who are experiencing, in some cases, extreme frustration.

Maybe there should be a separate thread for addressing the percieved shortcomings of Van's and Dynon customer service, that should be kept free of indiviual problems, symptoms and such.
I agree that there can be long threads that I don't currently have any interest in, but I like seeing them anyway. I just scan the thread titles and make a mental note (my description of the process whereby I say to myself "Hey, remember this for later" and promptly forget it) of the things people are talking about before I get to that stage. That's how I knew to come back and search for the thread on the turtle deck skins long before I got to that part of the kit.