
Active Member
Does any one know where the self serve pumps are located at KSRG/Sugarland?

Also do they charge a ramp fee for an RV ?

KSGR tanks are on the east side about mid field SSE of Anson Air. I've flown in there half a dozen times and my wife took lessons there in our 150. Neither of us recall any fees. I never got fuel there but she tells me that's where the fuel is. Looks right on Google Earth.
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The self-serve pump for 100LL at KSGR is behind the T-hangers, south of Anson Air.

I'm not sure about a ramp fee, as I have my plane hangered there so my rent covers any fees. I suspect there isn't a fee unless you stay overnight, but I'm not certain.

Dave M.
They do charge a $10 ramp fee if you do not take at least 5 gallons of fuel. Either full serve or at the self serve pumps. However the self serve was out of service, but the full serve was a fair price.

It's been a few years since I used Sugarland, but at that time there were no tie-downs outside the main terminal transient parking area.

They claimed "triple-chocking" was good enough...:rolleyes:

After that I used West Houston.
They do charge a $10 ramp fee if you do not take at least 5 gallons of fuel. Either full serve or at the self serve pumps. However the self serve was out of service, but the full serve was a fair price.

Maybe that's just to discourage people using their ramp as a free parking lot like they do at KARM. No one ever said anything to my wife or me at SGR.
I believe the self-serve pump is in service. It was only out for a few days, Oct. 16 - 19 for maintenance. It was certainly working on Oct. 26 when I last refueled there.

Dave M.