
Well Known Member
I played hooky yesterday late afternoon from my CPA practice......OK, I got cell phone call after cell phone call....and went out to the airport to add oil to my new BPE engine and pre oil the engine.

The weather was just too nice to sit inside and work, upper sixties, sunny, no wind, just a nice evening to hang out at the airport. After adding the remaining four quarts of mineral oil I had to buy, I still had four quarts left over from my initial engine break in, I got one of the line guys to help me pull Black Magic out to the fuel farm thinking I would go ahead and take of putting a couple gallons in the left tank so I would have everything in place for an engine start....whenever that would be.

I had talked with Allen, at BPE, Monday and got his input on pre oiling and what he and Rhonda recommended for a first run on their engines. After fueling up, and still at the fuel farm, temptation got the best of me and I just "had" to turn the master on and electric fuel pump on just to see if the pump would "pull" air and prime itself. Nope....oh, well it's for the best as I hadn't planned on starting it last evening anyway...spur of the moment thing to go the airport anyway, I thought to myself.

We pushed her back to the front of the hangar, and left her outside in the nice sunny evening weather, while I removed the top plugs. While piddling, a student pilot in the local university's aviation program came walking up. The conversation started up with him talking about the RV's he had seen at the Kickoff Flyin a couple weeks ago. He said, prior to the flyin, he thought experimental airplanes were just crazy and something he would never, ever, get in and fly. Well, to say the least, his opinion was changed that day;). He was at the airport to solo that evening and was an absolute basket case:eek:. We talked for a while and off he went to pace around the ramp in anticipation of his impending death.

A local taildragger pilot came over, at about the time I was ready to crank her over to see if I could get oil pressure. Perfect, he could look for leaks while I cranked...never know if you have left something un-tightened. Top plugs out, clear prop, master on, mags off, starter oil pressure, no oil pressure, no oil pressure....battery starting to weaken, no oil pressure, oh, 2, 3, 4, 5 pounds....up to 14, off the starter button as the oil has to make it's rounds through the engine to get to the pressure nipple and then to the transducer. Get out, look for leaks, none found!!

Hum I think, wonder if the fuel pump will prime itself. Master back on, fuel pump on......nope:( While turning the master off, I "noticed" the fuel selector valve is on the right tank:confused: and I put fuel in the left tank...geez, I must have landed at Etown last Memorial Day weekend on the right tank. Brain F@rt!! Fuel valve left tank, master on, fuel pump on, just found fuel...big smile. Guess what, it's time to install the upper plugs.

After taking care of the plugs, we retrieved a fire extinguisher from the hangar as I decide this evening is it. I hop in, as Jacob stands ready with the fire extinguisher to attempt a fire intervention most assuredly to be required.

Master on, mags on (I'm certain I have not wired these Bendix up correctly) fuel pump on, clear prop, finger going towards the starter button, (certain the drained battery from the pre oiling will not turn the engine over with the plugs in), starter engaged............Nothing.....throttle pumped once, twice...come on accelerator pump....oh, it just tried to fire....oh, man I bet I flooded it...what is the flooded start procedure...oh, it just hit again....come on baby, come on, lit!! It started up at a nice smooth 800 RPMs. I checked the EMS and found oil pressure in the green along with fuel pressure in the green as I watch the EGT's and CHT's going up together with all numbers close to each other. It seems I somehow got all the wires flowing electrons reattached correctly. Everything smoothed out nicely as I watched the oil temp rise to Allen's recommended temp and then shut her down, with a big smile on my face. I can say without a doubt, this BPE engine is SMOOTH!!

I had no doubt the new BPE engine would be leak free, but I "knew" something I installed on the engine would leak and sure enough, I was correct. We found a drip on the ramp at the rear of the engine and found the oil pressure line attached to the nipple on the accessory case was not fully tightened. A wrench used appropriately, as opposed to not being used correctly the first time, took care of that leak. It sure felt good to stand back and look her over knowing she had come back to life, albeit just an engine start but I had turned money into noise again.

About this time, Jason Rowe, a local 7A builder called. He was needing my flaring tool along with a new key starter switch I had opted out of using in Black Magic. Hum, me thinks, just got Black Magic making a carbon footprint, got a new experimental convert doing his first solo, Jason makes some kick butt home brew beer, Jason is coming out to the airport to pick up tools and such...hey Jason, I say, bring a couple bottles of your best brew out "witcha".

Jason makes it out as the new student is on the downwind...ALONE. After the student successfully avoids death three times, get's doused with ice water upon exiting the airplane, we all toast over some really, really nice adult beverages.

Jason and I push Black Magic back into the hangar as the sun sets on an absolutely perfect weather evening here in KY. We put the canopy cover on her and walk out leaving her tucked away.

It doesn't get much better than last evening, nice weather, good friends, hanging at the airport, seeing the smile of a new pilot. Very nice evening!!

Keep pounding gang
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Nice write up Dana. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration to many RV builders / owners.

Two weeks before the tax deadline and a CPA is working on his airplane! That is dedication right there! ;)
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Here's a tip to lighten the load on the battery and starter while preoiling. It gets all the galleries and filter full before you start cranking. This pic is of a Contintental, but there's similar access to the oil system on Lycs. The can is a McMaster-Carr 7054T11 pressure spray can for less than $17, and is good for 200 psi max. The engine fitting (plastic NPT to tube), tubing and clamps are True Value stock. On the can end, I just removed the spray nozzle and clamped the tube on the boss.

I got pressure on the aircraft gauge during the second quart. After replacing the plastic fitting with the specified brass plug, I had oil pressure almost immediately on spinning the starter.

Dana that is great news and a great story!

Miles, I like that can and for $17, what a deal.
:) You earned and deserved a day off like that. Hope you have many more even better soon.

Awesome News Dana!!!:D:D

How long now till that second first flight.

Let's put it this way, Sun & Fun is just around the corner and I plan on being there, with a little day trip to Key West......heading back out to the airport tonight.
Black Magic at Sun-n-Fun

You know . . . . we would never build an engine that I wouldn't fly behind. :rolleyes: Hint . . hint . . See you at Sun-n-Fun!
You know . . . . we would never build an engine that I wouldn't fly behind. :rolleyes: Hint . . hint . . See you at Sun-n-Fun!

Hah, but you may not want to fly seated beside this pilot:eek:

Hey Allen, you may have to man that booth by yourself for a day...we would bring you back pictures of Key West:D
HEY!!!! THIS AIN"T RIGHT! got room in the baggage area?:D

Contact me if you want to know how I mounted the baby seat in the baggage compartment of my -9.

Only one problem Allen, the max weight for the baby seat is 40 lbs. You had better start working out! Oh, and it does have a five point harness.
Congratulations Dana. It has been a long road for you; glad to see that you are getting so close. Be careful, fly safe and have fun. This isn't a two out of three, make sure you have it all.
Second first engine start

This is a 2 minute video of the second first engine start over this past weekend. I had been working on the gear leg fairings, intersection fairings and wheel pants. I knew where the oil leak was on the first engine start and wanted to make sure I had fixed that leak. I could easily see the oil pressure line/nipple connection so I didn't remove the lower cowl.

I'll remove the cowl and do a real though inspection firewall forward, front to back, back to front, left to right and right to left before the impending second first flight. No more engine starts prior to the flight.

I was reluctant to post this video as you will hear what appears to be a miss during the first 30 seconds or so of the video, however that is not the case. One of the line guys pulled up in the tug and parked, with the engine "somewhat" running, right behind the guy with the video camera.

Anyway, here ya go:

A little later Saturday, I went flying in a converted taildragger 150. We climbed out at a whopping 300 fpm at 60 kts:eek:. It was flying but I do so miss my 7. As you can see, the vis around here doesn't get much better than it was Saturday.


Keep on pounding gang, we end up with great airplanes.
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