
Well Known Member
The fuselage plans stop after the fwd fuse ribs, subpanel forward top skin etc are drilled together. Doesn't say to rivet this stuff yet. Is it OK to rivet this fwd structure together before getting the finish kit? What about the fwd top skin, can that be riveted on before the finish kit arrives?
Hey Phil,

Don't rivet the forward deck skin on until near the end of the build. Alot of your firewall forward and the systems aft of the firewall would be a real pain to install if you had to crawl under that skin each time you needed to do something.

but doesn't that forward skin need to be on before the forward part of the canopy (slider) is put on?

the forward part of the canopy can be done later. You will regret it if you put the skin on before the electrical work is done. I am now troubleshooting mine and it is no fun going under the panel!

but doesn't that forward skin need to be on before the forward part of the canopy (slider) is put on?

Yes, but you'll want everything else done before you attach the windscreen. In my case, the windscreen and forward turtledeck were the last two steps before final assembly.

Also, leave the NACA scoops off until the end. That will let you reach in and buck the rivets for the forward turtledeck.

on my head upside down

I wished I had waited. Today, I put the manifold sensor and some other wires in on my back, upside down, and under the panel with my feet over the side rail.

If you can afford it, wire AS MUCH as you can and while you can get to it. I kid you not. It would have been SO much easier.

Hmmm....something to think about now.
Ditto on what everyone has said. I was trying to get my -7A slider ready to paint before cold weather last fall so I finished up the front turtle deck before starting the wiring. Turned out that I didn't get it finished before cold weather hit so I had to wait until this Summer to paint anyway. Now I am wiring while climbing around, under and through the completed fuselage.

A big glove box cutout does help though :D
OK thanks guys. So I'll leave the skin off, but rivet the ribs and subpanel in there.

Q2: Does anybody have a photo showing the modification required of the fwd fuse ribs in order to accommodate a large-screen dynon?

Also, leave the NACA scoops off until the end. That will let you reach in and buck the rivets for the forward turtledeck

Once all the wiring and stuff is done back there it seems to me that this will be a VERY difficult area to buck many of those rivets. Did anybody use blind rivets on their turtledeck?
It's not too bad at all

Once all the wiring and stuff is done back there it seems to me that this will be a VERY difficult area to buck many of those rivets. Did anybody use blind rivets on their turtledeck?

The forward deck is not hard to do at all. I was thinking it would be a bear.
It does take two people, of course. One rivet at a time and you'll be done in two hours!

I used about a dozen cherry-max blind rivets. Three on each side near the engine mount upper bolt. And the rest by the roll bar.

I just did a test clecoing of the forward skin on my -6A, since I'm just a couple of days away from closing up. I found that I could start at the center and cleco to the right to the next rib. This positions the skin enough to allow me to rivet the center rib and I can then cleco to the left. At that point, I can reach under enough to rivet the aft line of rivets and the two sub-ribs. I can even continue the aft line about 2/3 of the remaining distance before it is too difficult to lift the skin to reach under for bucking. At that point, the remaining rivets on the aft line and sides are not too difficult to buck. The front rivet line will have to wait until the cowling is fitted and the fasteners are in place; I can then squeeze most of them.
Once all the wiring and stuff is done back there it seems to me that this will be a VERY difficult area to buck many of those rivets. Did anybody use blind rivets on their turtledeck?


I'm half way through riveting that top skin.
All the top rivets were done yesterday evening with no problem (other than a sore back).
Tonight will be the longerons.
Will let you know how that goes, and give you a count of Cherry rivets I will need.