
Well Known Member
In the next few months I will be converting my 7A to EFI lycoming power. My fuselage data plate says Subaru 3.0. I have had a few people tell me that the aircraft will need to be reinspected by a DAR prior to flight. Anybody been through this or have any opinions?

You have to only do what the operating limitations issued with the Certificate of Airworthiness for your airplane say regarding what must be done after making a major change. Unless you have something unusual, you will not necessarily have to have a DAR reinspect (An experimental aircraft by nature is expected to be modified).

As for the data plate.... there is no requirement for the engine model to be listed on it, so you could just block out that section by lightly sanding to hide the engraving and then mask and paint over it. You could also apply a label with the correct engine model after smoothing the engraving.
I'm sure Mel will probably weigh in but I'd expect a current letter of operating limitations to read something like

"...(19) After incorporating a major change as described in 14 CFR ? 21.93, the aircraft owner is required to reestablish compliance with 14 CFR ? 91.319(b) and notify the geographically responsible FSDO of the location of the proposed test area. The aircraft owner must obtain concurrence from the FSDO as to the suitability of the proposed test area. If the major change includes installing a different type of engine (reciprocating to turbine) or a change of a fixed-pitch from or to a controllable propeller, the aircraft owner must fill out a revised FAA Form 8130-6 to update the aircraft?s file in the FAA Aircraft Registration Branch...."

I read that to mean that you'd contact the FSDO and work out a period of time to reenter Phase I, and emerge again into Phase II at the completion. I don't read it to require paperwork (beyond your logbook entries) nor another inspection.

But, here's the thing - the specific wording of your letter is what governs. The above quote is contemporary, but it the aircraft had been flying for many years, the letter may read differently (and therefore requirements would not be the same).


DAR question

All the data plate must contain is:
serial number

Extra info is for your satisfaction on fancy data plates.

Use exact format of the aircraft records available at , N number record which will bring up your records.

You will be changing engine and prop. Probably a new 8130-6 will be required to be filed with FSDO to be forwarded to OKC for your records. You can also call Aircraft Registration branch to ensure they change your info. At least a 5 hour phase one with text in log books stating engine and prop changed out and aircraft is placed back in phase 1 for testing. When test phase 1 is complete, your Operating Lims have language saying Phase 1 complete and aircraft is found safe and returned to Phase 2 OPs. Of course a new wt and balance is also required.

Start with reading your Ops Lims. If there are problems with a move since area was issued,etc, get FSDO to reissue Ops Lims.
I just did this last year and it was quite simple. The engine type did not change (still piston), the propeller type did not change (cabin controllable to constant speed), so I did not need to submit a new 8130-6. I just submitted a letter to the local FSDO telling them what I did and what I wanted for a test area and that I planned to use a 5 hr phase 1. They concurred, I flew.

We did put a new data plate on, but only because we changed the "N" number (also had to get new airworthiness certificate and operating limitations) and went with the required information only on a new data plate.

No one ever asked to see the airplane.