Dave Bernard

Active Member
Hey All-

This Empenage is sure going a lot faster than I thought! I'll probably be ready to start wings by early Spring- but I also may be moving about that time. I'd sure hate to move a partially completed wing anywhere!

Has Vans ever sold only part of the wing kit- say the fuel tanks? I could get started on those while my living situation gets settled and take the remainder of the kit wherever I wind up.

I'm not even sure if this is possible, what do you guys think?

There's no reason why you couldn't decide on an assembly to get started on (tanks, ailerons, flaps), study the drawings and make a list of all the parts you'd need, get those ordered, and get to work. Then, when you order your wing kit, delete from the order all the parts you previously purchased. You'd probably spend a little more on shipping in the long run.
I can't speak to the RV-12 specifically, but if you order individual parts vs a kit, you will spend more. Unless Vans has changed their philosophy in the last couple years, you do not get 100% credit for parts deleted from a kit.

I would clarify with Vans before deciding on that as an option.

PJ Seipel
RV-10 #40032
I did this!

When I ordered the wing kit for my 8, the spars were on back order for a few months... I had vans ship me everything except the spars (and longerons for the fuse)

I started working on the flaps and alerions and fuel tanks before I go the "main" wing pieces.