Mark Jackson

Active Member
I have gotten to the step of riveting the elevator spars. Which side do the shop heads go on, front or rear? It doesn't appear to be specified in the drawings which only specify the rivet size. I looked through chapter 5 several times but it doesn't say.

Is there a convention like bolts (head always to the front)?


Mark Jackson
Unless specified otherwise, the manufactured head (from the factory) is on the thinner material. Examples would be the flange of a rib, a thin web, skins, etc.

Shop heads (the ones you make) usually go on the thicker material. Examples are: doublers, thicker flange, etc.

This keeps method prevents the thinner material from disorting while compressing the rivet.

There are some times this is not possible due to access. Do what you are able in those cases.

It isn't called out on the plans. Do a search and you'll find lots of threads on the subject. One school of thought is to put the manufactured head to the outside. Another other school of thought is to put the manufactured head on the thinnest material. Often times, the best way is the direction that allows the easiest setting of the rivet. I put the manufactured head to the outside on the empennage spars and did see a little bowing of the spar after riveting. I think if you put the manufactured head to the inside on the thinner material, you won't get as much deformation.
I asked a similar question before. The answer I was given made perfect sense. Vans rivet call out gives you the answer.
AN470AD4-7 all HS-412PP to HS-609PP to HS-603PP rivets
The order the material is listed is the order that the rivet will pass through. The factory head sits against HS-412PP and passes through HS-609PP and the shop head sits against HS-603PP. This has worked for me so far.

Van's had a article on this in an old RVator a few years back. Their conclusion was it didn't matter. I've had good luck using Sean B's theory.

RV-7 Fuselage 70%