
Well Known Member
My documents from Lycoming indicate that the only applicable AD is complied with. What about SBs, are all of the SBs before the date of manufacture typically complied with or do I seriously need to go through about the 100 documents dating back to 1957 and figure out which ones apply and don't? There has to be a better way if that is the case...
If you bought a new Lycoming then all SB’s issued prior to manufacture should have been done. But even on normally certified aircraft, they are usually not mandatory (even if Cessna calls them a ‘mandatory service bulletin’.) There is no such thing.
What the other posters said. But beware that some sb's, just like AD's, are repetitive due at certain times in the engines life either by calendar time or hours of operation. So if your quest is to be in compliance with all SB's throughout the engines life then some research would be in order.
Good Luck,
Okay thanks for the replies guys, sounds like I wasn't too far off track on my thinking. Looks like I still get to have some fun searching.
Check with an A&P

I have a friend who is a professional A&P mechanic. He has a computer program that looks up all applicable AD's and SB's based on the engine serial number. Saves all that reading and worrying about missing one. I assume all mechanics have access to this program, but not sure.

Do you have the name of that software? I’d love to buy a copy if possible.
Lycoming SBs

I just finished going through the SBs back to assembly date for my engine. Holy cow. What a pain. Still have SLs and SIs to go.