
Well Known Member
Trying to mark and drill the forward spar for parts HS404 and HS405. I've read how others ran into similar problems. The instructions focus on maintaining minimum edge distances on each part. Easy enough, I get that. But am I suppose to clamp and drill through all 4 parts and drill 4 holes on each side?

That seems to be a difficult task. There must be proven techniques that I am not aware of. Drill forward? Drill aft? Ughhh. I feel like I'll be ordering replacement parts soon.
Ok, making this post helped me answer my own question. The instructions are talking about marking and drilling HS405 ONLY. That seems much easier. The spar will be drilled later on when the skins are clecoed in place.

At least I think that's the ways it's supposed to go...
I don't remember the part numbers now, but I found it easier to drill from the smaller tab with the more critical edge distances into the larger tab. This was backwards from the instructions as I recall.

You can't miss the middle going the other way. :)
I measured the hole locations and pilot drilled HS-404, clamped all in place, and drilled from forward to aft. Turned out to be a non-event.
Thanks Shockwave. Your response to this AND earlier threads on this helped me understand it a bit better.

Kminor, that makes a lot of sense. Maybe I should have tried that but for now all I did was drill 4 holes in the HS405. I have not drilled through the spar or re-enforcement angle yet. I THINK that step will be coming up soon. I placed all the pieces together while measuring in an effort to have everything line up right once I do make the final holes.
4 links in series that explain and show how I did this

Tony, Here are links to 5 posts in my blog that entered to document this event. I wish I could recall the one other post I found in here that clearly explained the references for each measurement to the drawing in the plans, but it seems did not capture it.

Once the holes are marked, I drilled the holes from the rear toward the front with everything assembled, and the forward end of the HS skin butted up against my pegboard on the wall to provide stability and resistance while drilling. I used an extended 12 inch long #30 drill bit to drill the holes, but the critical part was marking the locations correctly.

Anyway, hope this helps. Click on the pics to get a larger view.
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Great Write Up on the HS

Hey Brian, wish you had started your project a couple of years earlier--would have saved me a bunch of time trying to figure out some of this stuff! Nice documentation--

Canopy Prep
Added one more link

Hey Brian, wish you had started your project a couple of years earlier--would have saved me a bunch of time trying to figure out some of this stuff! Nice documentation--

Canopy Prep

Sorry bout that Steve. Besides, what are you complaining about? You will be flyng in the not too distant future, and I will still be in the garage pounding rivets. Guess this will have to help out the next generation of builders!

Anyway, I added another link that discusses the hole drilling process I used, and shows the outcome, which turned out pretty nice on both sides. It looks like the posts from November and December 2009 in my blog pretty much cover the entire process for both sides of the HS.

And Steve, if I had any tips for cutting that beautiful canopy of yours, I would glady share those with you, but right now that is just a mirage in a far away land from where I currently sit:eek:

Tony, Here are links to 5 posts in my blog that entered to document this event. I wish I could recall the one other post I found in here that clearly explained the references for each measurement to the drawing in the plans, but it seems did not capture it.

Thanks Bryan, this was really helpful!
Glad to hear it Rob

Always nice to be able to offer something that assists other builders. Getting beyond that step is a major accomplishment IMHO. Build on!