
Active Member
Hi Everyone,
I am at the step on the Horizontal Stabilator where I finished cleco'ing the skins to the skeleton and before riveting, I am supposed to cleco and then final drill the HS-01231C's. If you look at the attached picture, I have cleco'ed it in one corner and I have pointed out where the other three holes on the long edge aren't lining up. I tried turning it, checked all four and same problem. Has anyone else seen this?

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Thank you Jim. I am putting them on exactly as you have them but only one of the holes at align to the forward spar lines up. The other three don't, no matter which one I try its the same alignment issue.
If you look at the two pictures in the above posts, note that the inboard longitudinal rivet pattern is parallel to the edge of the gusset in the OP's pix and the reverse orientation in the #2 pix. Something is amiss here! Flip the gusset over? My plans are out in the hangar so I can't verify the correct orientation.
It looks to me like the two photos show the opposite install. Maybe flip the peice over? Never heard of an RV12 hole miss match but there is always a chance?
All great tip guys, I appreciate it. I flipped it over and same issue just different holes out of alignment.
I agree in my picture, my gusset is upside down, the problem is that when I flip it over I have the same exact problem. I can align the six vertical holes and one of the top horizontal holes but the other three horizontal holes do not align.
It might sound silly, but have you assembled HS-01231A and B the right way around? See fig 6, B is inside A. If you somehow mangaged to get them the other way around you would be about the material thickness of one or t'other out of alignment on HS-01231C.
Hey Rob - -

Can you take another pic with the plate as in first pic, but much further away from it. Need to see the entire H S if possible. Thanks.
Hi Everyone,

I spoke to Van's Support this morning and they asked for this picture as well.


From this picture you can see that the holes in the Spar and Skin do not align to the holes in the gusset.

Yes all four align with the same problem. I am really thinking that Van's changed something. I'm waiting for them to call me after they investigate. My kit was shipped in September with the correction to the service bulletin for the Horizontal Stabilator and it seems to me that the prepunched holes from my Skin and Spar Cap/Spar Box were done in May based on the sticker dates.
Mystery Solved

The SB part is HS-01231C for the gussets, the part that should be shipped with new kits is HS-01231C-1. They shipped me the wrong parts, but are now shipping me replacements. :) Glad I am not crazy.

Hmmmmmm - -

Just another note : It appears in the last pics you posted, you have the H S upside down. The plates go on top of the H S. Double check that please.
I do have it currently on the bottom side of the HS. My instructions imply that you have four of the gussets, one for top left, one for top right, one for bottom left, one for bottom right. There are matching holes in the spar top and bottom and skin top and bottom.

Am I reading it wrong?
Well - been a while - -

had to go back and see if I had them on the bottom. Found a pic where they are on bottom. Sorry - Carry on.

We came across this same issue on our EAA Chapter 105 RV-12 iS group build. There are two versions of this part, and we had the wrong ones in our kit. On page 9iS/U-07 of the KAI in step 5, it references HS-01231C-1 we received HS-01231C in our kit (NOT with the -1). A call to Van's and a parts run confirmed we had the wrong ones. If I remember correctly, the parts are slightly different in shape but most importantly they have different hole patterns. I would call Van's service people to see what they have to say. There should be four of these gussets with the same part number.
Hope this helps.


We came across this same issue on our EAA Chapter 105 RV-12 iS group build. There are two versions of this part, and we had the wrong ones in our kit. On page 9iS/U-07 of the KAI in step 5, it references HS-01231C-1 we received HS-01231C in our kit (NOT with the -1). A call to Van's and a parts run confirmed we had the wrong ones. If I remember correctly, the parts are slightly different in shape but most importantly they have different hole patterns. I would call Van's service people to see what they have to say. There should be four of these gussets with the same part number.
Hope this helps.


That is absolutly right. I ran into the same problem. There a revisions of this part. We got the older version (not symetrical) but need the symetrical version. Vans will ship them fast, if you let them know. I did not want to wait and made fitting parts from the extra sheet in my kit.
