
Well Known Member
O.K., my first stupid question. However, if I mess up the spar, not asking would be really stupid. The plans call for CS for all rib locations, however, the plans only call out 7 of them, the 6 together, then the other one both shown in figure 2. Then it calls for CS the remainder of the holes, including the other rib attach holes. Where the remaining ribs attach, are those to be done the depth for the dimpling like all the other holes or like the other ribs? I tried to read ahead, but couldn't tell from the drawings how they attach there. Just to be sure, you need to CS all of the remaining holes 100+ to allow for the dimple of the skin? I did the Sport Air Workshop, but they really didn't go into much detail about interpreting the plans and I have already messed up two parts, thankfully not the spar.

Just a follow up, if anyone has pics of it, that would be great. I have tried to look at a few build sites, but I guess there were not a lot of pictures taken in the beginning. Thanks.
The holes specifically pointed out in fig 2 are rib attach holes amidst the nut plates. Those rib attach holes get CS for a rivet. See 12-07. The nutplate #40 holes also get CS for a rivet.

All of the other rib attach 40 holes and skin attach 40 holes get CS for a dimple