
Well Known Member
I'm ready to prime then rivet my vertical stabilizer parts together. I vaguely recall that years ago the FAA required an inspection before you close out certain major assemblies.

I'm not sure if the current regulations require an inspection at all. I have 11 days off for Christmas/New Years and I plan on finishing the VS and getting deep into the rudder.

Any comments welcome.
Nothing strictly required by the FAA until your ready to fly as far as I know. However its a real good idea to get look-over by an experienced builder or better yet an EAA technical councilor.
EAA Tech Inspection

I'm ready to prime then rivet my vertical stabilizer parts together. I vaguely recall that years ago the FAA required an inspection before you close out certain major assemblies.

I'm not sure if the current regulations require an inspection at all. I have 11 days off for Christmas/New Years and I plan on finishing the VS and getting deep into the rudder.

Any comments welcome.

FAA doesn't require an inspection until it's ready to fly. EAA has a Technical Counselor program. The Inspector is a skilled volunteer. They usually have multiple builds under their belt. Most recommend at least one Tech inspection. Usually you want one before closing up the first assembly to point out issues before they become a problem. I recommend an inspection before closing major components. Empennage, wings/tanks, fuse. Personally, I have had four inspections by three different Tech Inspectors. I wanted different eyes on my project. Thankfully all commended my work.
The inspection is logged into the EAA database. Some, me included, feel the inspections are a valuable resale addition to your builder log. It shows you had another set(s) of eyes on your project besides the final DAR inspection. I've also heard the DAR likes to see them as well.
Go to the EAA website and search for one near you.
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In Canada the the MDRA is the governing body for Transport Canada regarding Amateur built aircraft. Our regulations require a "pre-cover" or "pre-close" inspection prior to closing anything up. We typically build all components leaving one side open for inspection. We then call the MDRA for a pre-cover inspection after everything is built, which we pay for, in order to minimize the cost. You could consider a similar approach and have one inspection prior to your final pre-flight inspection. Just a thought not knowing how easy it is for you to have some check things out.
Heed Larry's words.

It is strongly recommended that you get an inspection by an EAA technical counselor, or other knowledgable builder very early in construction. This way, if you are starting down a "wrong road", things can be corrected before expensive parts are compromised.

Inspectors get a warm, fuzzy if you can show that you have had several of these inspections during the course of the build.
In Canada the the MDRA is the governing body for Transport Canada regarding Amateur built aircraft. Our regulations require a "pre-cover" or "pre-close" inspection prior to closing anything up. We typically build all components leaving one side open for inspection. We then call the MDRA for a pre-cover inspection after everything is built, which we pay for, in order to minimize the cost. You could consider a similar approach and have one inspection prior to your final pre-flight inspection. Just a thought not knowing how easy it is for you to have some check things out.


I have an RV that was built in Canada. Is there any paperwork generated during these inspections and is it possible to get copies of those "pre-close" inspections? Would love to add them to my logs.


I have an RV that was built in Canada. Is there any paperwork generated during these inspections and is it possible to get copies of those "pre-close" inspections? Would love to add them to my logs.


You should ask the builder. Hopefully the records were transferred to the new owner.

Inspection Paperwork

The builder gets a copy of the inspection report. He should've given you it along with the POH, W&B etc. If he did not you could try contacting him or the MDRA to see if they can give you a copy. Not sure how long they keep their records. The builder has to provide a "letter of intent" at the start of the build. This includes their info and the serial number. Most people use the Vans kit number for the serial number but you can give it your own if you wish. It will be on the data plate. MDRA records would be under his name and serial number. Just google MD-RA (Ministers Delegate-Recreational Aircraft) for contact info.