
Well Known Member
I am in the process of wiring the tail / wing strobes. I have grounded each ground wire at the power pack location by bundeling them together and securing them to the strobe power pack base. Now the ??? At the strobe end should the ground wire be grounded at this point or taken back to the fairwall ground block and why. Also, does the foil shield get any special treatment or just terminated at each end with no attachment to the airframe. I have read the historical threads on this subject but need a little reinforcement!


Frank @ SGU and SLC wiring / fiberglassing RV7A
Strobe Grounding


If I remember correctly, my instructions said to ground at the supply end and leave open at the strobe end. The foil is the noise shield and is continually touching the ground line the entire length. Hope I'm right. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Mannan Thomason
RV-8 N161RL (No. One Girl)
52.3 hrs and still amazed at this machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!