TEsting my Whelan strobe unit - putting 12v in and using the battery as ground - a little buzz noise but nothing else - am I doing something glaringly wrong?
I'm definitely no expert, but just to clarify... You ARE putting the power to the strobe _power supply_ not directly to the strobe light itself, right?
Yes - power straight to the +12 input and ground to power ground. The trigger has the jumper wire fitted as per on arrival.
TEsting my Whelan strobe unit - putting 12v in and using the battery as ground - a little buzz noise but nothing else - am I doing something glaringly wrong?

Do you have all the strobe heads you intend to use hooked up to the controller? On mine the two wingtip strobes were meant to operate as a pair. If I only had one plugged in I got nothing.
Interesting Kevin! I was trying her on the assumption that she would power up the tail strobe alone - I will try her with the others connected and see what I get - cheers!