Hi all, I have recently completed a panel upgrade during which I installed a Garmin autopilot, Dynon EMS D10 engine monitor and most importantly here...A Whelen LED Nav/strobe light system. All works good but in the process seem to have acquired some interference through the headsets related to the strobes.
The aircraft was fitted with legacy Whelen HID strobes(no previous noise issues), they have been removed and I have retained and used all of the existing shielded wiring. My issue is, with the engine and strobes working..no problem, however, when I switch on the alternator I then hear the strobes pulsing. Switch off the alternator...sound goes. When moving all of the wiring during the big job I had to reconnect the feed wire to the alternator from the bus bar, which explained why the alternator had stopped working during the works. Have I done something wrong with the wiring? Or has anyone any suggestions I could try?
Many Thanks
With so many changes at once, it's kind of difficult say where to go first. And having noise from one 'antagonist' show up only when another antagonist is operating really does sound odd.

You might start by unplugging *all* the nav & strobe units, and test with everything else operating. If all's ok, add the nav/strobe units back to the system, one at a time, testing after each addition.

Most (though not all) noise issues are ground path related.