
Well Known Member
Could someone show some photos of where they put the strobe flasher box. I am using a Whelen unit. Thanks

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I took advantange of the unused rear battery tray. The components can be quickly accessed by unlatching a hinged door cut into the aft baggage shelf.

Strob boxes in wing tips

I would like to add a follow up question. My strobe system has 2 boxes. I'm thinking of mounting a box in each wing tip where the strobes are. Does anybody see anything wrong with that location? Thanks Lyle
I would like to add a follow up question. My strobe system has 2 boxes. I'm thinking of mounting a box in each wing tip where the strobes are. Does anybody see anything wrong with that location? Thanks Lyle
Absolutely nothing wrong with that location either. Fitted to my -6A, I have an Archer VOR antenna in one wingtip (barely seen above power pack in upper photo) and marker beacon in the other wingtip. Neither seems effected by the Whelen components and I routinely operate with the strobes on.

RV-6A, behind baggage compartment bulkhead

Hard to tell in this picture, but I put a doubler under the angle mounts I used here:
