
Well Known Member
I'm curious how others remove the jacket on shielded Tefzel.

I've been working with wire over 40 years. A career in Telecom. You name it, I've terminated it. 200+ pair telephone cable? No problem. Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Slate. Why Run Backwards You Varmint. Still stuck in my head. If that's not confusing enough, I terminated backwards because it was easier to punch wires working bottom up, right left.

Anyway, Tefzel is unlike anthing I've worked. The jacket is hard but very thin. Typically, I bend the wire and just touch a blade to the jacket. It usually opens a crack. A little bend and the crack can be coaxed around till that portion can be removed. Works great for RG-400 coax too.

However, one time, I actually found a nick in the insulation of the inside wire. I don't see how the blade could have penetrated past the shield. That could be a disaster if the shield touched the center conductor. Needless to say, I check every time. Maybe it was a brain fart.

Anyway, just curious if someone has a trick. After so many years, I've never trusted any stripper tools. I don't like them. I've seen them score inside wires too many times and had to chase too many shorted cables due to them.
I use the same trick as you: sharp blade and bend, plus good lighting and magnification.

Another recent trick is some new ultra precision side cutters for trimming back the RG400 shielding. This pair of cutters is reserved for fine wire and doesn''t get used for anything else. That reminds me of the time that somebody borrowed my dovetail saw to prune her roses and left it on the lawn overnight!
Trimming shield

I use the same trick as you: sharp blade and bend, plus good lighting and magnification.

Another recent trick is some new ultra precision side cutters for trimming back the RG400 shielding. This pair of cutters is reserved for fine wire and doesn''t get used for anything else. That reminds me of the time that somebody borrowed my dovetail saw to prune her roses and left it on the lawn overnight!

I have similar. I bought a pair of precision scissors. They're small. Snips the shield right up to the jacket.
I've tried a lot of different tools for this, but the thing I use more than anything else is the nail scissors on my small Swiss Army knife. Score, flex, repeat until done. Works perfectly every time, for me.
I'll look at work tonight, but I think our guys and gals use thermal strippers for the Tefzel and outer jackets, and then regular strippers for the inner insulation.