
Well Known Member
After reading the thread about the exhaust stress cracks it appeared to me that I have never seen this discussed to any degree, so here goes.

To all of you that have been flying a while...all models...
1) What areas on your airframe have you seen stress cracking?

2) Are there any areas on the airframe that you know of that has been more prone to stress cracks?

Inquiring Minds!!

Jim Kinsey
7A Fuselage
~1400 hours on my RV-7. So far:

- airframe cracks: none

- baffle cracks: a few, stop drilled, done deal

Where I've seen airframe cracking on other RVs is at the fore & aft ends of stiffeners on elevators & rudders. But that's predominantly with the older thinner skins. On your -7A Van's upped the thickness of the moving tail surface skins (presumably in order to "support" the 200hp powerplant option but also presumably to address the classic cracking in that area).
Heck, my RV has a total of 5.5 hours on it now :))) so I don't have any stress cracks but I have seen a couple of RVs with cracks on the top wing skins near the wing walk area from people repeatedly stepping a little off the wing walk.