
Well Known Member
I downloaded the latest image (ver 1.2 ) which provides a serial output.

Q1: Is the serial output through the GPIO pins or does it require a USB/Serial converter ?

Q2: I have a Keyspan USA-19HS USB/Serial converter that did work with an image provided by a VAF member, it does not work with the latest image.

Do I need a converter with the CP2102 chipset., I dont think the Keyspan has that chipset.

I read that certain software commands may be required to make things work, I thought such commands would be part of the image.

Additional thoughts about USB devices, does it matter which USB ports a device is connected to, what happens if you move the devices around. Is a device logged into the EEPROM and will only work on a specific port until the EEPROM is reset ?

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I downloaded the latest image (ver 1.2 ) which provides a serial output.

Q1: Is the serial output through the GPIO pins or does it require a USB/Serial converter ?

Q2: I have a Keyspan USA-19HS USB/Serial converter that did work with an image provided by a VAF member, it does not work with the latest image.

Do I need a converter with the CP2102 chipset., I dont think the Keyspan has that chipset.

I read that certain software commands may be required to make things work, I thought such commands would be part of the image.

Additional thoughts about USB devices, does it matter which USB ports a device is connected to, what happens if you move the devices around. Is a device logged into the EEPROM and will only work on a specific port until the EEPROM is reset ?


Just a little bump, surely Vern knows the answer

I'll try. I have Stratux on a GRT Sport HS and it works fine.

1. You need a converter using a CP2102 chipset. They are about $10.

You should not need any special commands. However be sure you have the latest HXr software loaded. GRT has some Stratux specific updates.

My understanding is that it doesn't matter what port a device is plugged into. I've switched my devices around and when next powered up it works properly.

Hope this helps.

Jim Butcher

I'll try. I have Stratux on a GRT Sport HS and it works fine.

1. You need a converter using a CP2102 chipset. They are about $10.

You should not need any special commands. However be sure you have the latest HXr software loaded. GRT has some Stratux specific updates.

My understanding is that it doesn't matter what port a device is plugged into. I've switched my devices around and when next powered up it works properly.

Hope this helps.

Jim Butcher

Thanks Jim, I did download the pi3 zip from GRT, after the download I had two files, the zip file showed 0 Kb and there was a .part file with data, does the .zip self unzip into the .part file ?
My thoughts

I have a FlightBox ads-b wired to my Horizon WS and it works great. "Open Source Solutions" who sell the FlightBox (Stratux) also sell a USB to RS-232 conversion kit for $45. I put my FlightBox above the storage area and ran a 12 foot USB cable that I cut off one end to access the orange wire in the cable. The orange wire is the only wire you need to hookup to your HRx.

If you go to the GRT website and download the Stratux Open Source ADS-B Supplement document ( Rev D.pdf) it will give you specific instructions on how to connect the Stratux to your GRT equipment. Section 3.1 of that supplement will describe the program changes you need to make to your "General Setup."

Good luck. I love my FlightBox. The FlightBox feeds my iPad through wifi and my WS through the USB setup. The USB setup always comes on line faster than my iPad wifi setup.

I am using the image from the original GRT supplement. It is something like v0.8 It requires the USB to TTL conversion dongle etc. I got my Stratux operational back in March 2016 and haven't changed it since.

If you have the CP2101 chip set serial converter, you should be able to use the latest image from I think it is v1.3b3. With that you should also be able to use 115200 baud.

There have been some changes by GRT. Note that HXr v5.0 has "Add special handling for data from Stratux ADS-B receiver"

Chris Young is putting on several workshops at OSH. I'm hoping to get some upgrade questions answered there!

Sorry I really can't answer your question.

Jim Butcher

I am using the image from the original GRT supplement. It is something like v0.8 It requires the USB to TTL conversion dongle etc. I got my Stratux operational back in March 2016 and haven't changed it since.

If you have the CP2101 chip set serial converter, you should be able to use the latest image from I think it is v1.3b3. With that you should also be able to use 115200 baud.

There have been some changes by GRT. Note that HXr v5.0 has "Add special handling for data from Stratux ADS-B receiver"

Chris Young is putting on several workshops at OSH. I'm hoping to get some upgrade questions answered there!

Sorry I really can't answer your question.

Jim Butcher


You don't want to use the older Stratux versions if you can avoid it. Many fixes and improvements. I posted the details of my installation on Github and included the amazon links for the parts. I used USB (FTDI chipset) on the GRT side($5 adapter). You will need to make one configuration change to get the CP2101 (the only adapter chipset that the std Stratux build supports) adapter to work. This connects to the Pi via USB. The details are on that post as well.

Good luck,

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I posted the details of my installation on Github and included the amazon links for the parts. I used USB (FTDI chipset) on the GRT side($5 adapter). You will need to make one configuration change to get the CP2101 (the only adapter chipset that the std Stratux build supports) adapter to work. This connects to the Pi via USB. The details are on that post as well.

Good luck,


Larry, just getting started with a Stratux/GRT setup, and found this thread while looking for info on the subject.

Any chance you could copy the info you mention above onto a post here at VAF??

Or, at least the Amazon parts links?

How are you dealing with the fact the Stratux wants a shut down command from some wifi device instead of simply being connected to a power switch like the rest of the avionics? I really do not want to have to deal with anything other than simply a power switch to turn it on or off.
Larry, just getting started with a Stratux/GRT setup, and found this thread while looking for info on the subject.

Any chance you could copy the info you mention above onto a post here at VAF??

Or, at least the Amazon parts links?

How are you dealing with the fact the Stratux wants a shut down command from some wifi device instead of simply being connected to a power switch like the rest of the avionics? I really do not want to have to deal with anything other than simply a power switch to turn it on or off.

Try searching for my post on Github. If you can't find it, I will look at my amazon order history. I also will try to find the post and copy it here.

I didn't have any wifi shutdown problems. However, I finally gave up on the stratux a year or so ago. I just had too many problems. I also struggled with tx speed. The planes on the screen lagged well behind what I saw out the window. I replaced it with a Pathfinder ADS-b receiver and it was a big difference. Targets now match reality and no wierd problems and intermittent shut downs.

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The Stratux serial adapter is not available. You can try contacting Chris directly from the Github page to see if he is getting more.

You can use the one from Open Source Solutions or one from Amazon such as KNACRO CP2102 module. With these you use the latest Stratux software, v1.4r5.

I think you have a GRT Horizon WS. You need to update to the latest software on it too. I think that is WS36.00. If you read the notes, at the bottom one of the last statements is support ADSB receivers.

Let me know if you need help.

Jim Butcher
Larry, just getting started with a Stratux/GRT setup, and found this thread while looking for info on the subject.

Any chance you could copy the info you mention above onto a post here at VAF??

Or, at least the Amazon parts links?

How are you dealing with the fact the Stratux wants a shut down command from some wifi device instead of simply being connected to a power switch like the rest of the avionics? I really do not want to have to deal with anything other than simply a power switch to turn it on or off.

This may not reflect exactly what Larry posted on Git Hub but its a good start:

A Raspberry Pi Starter

Receivers and Antenna Kit

And if i remember you use GRT display(s), simply download the Serial Out version of the Stratux software from their support section. It's a .img file when unzipped so you'll have to use an imaging program like Etcher to get it on your micro SD card. You'll also need the USB/Serial interface to get the signal to the GRT display. USB/Serial Dongle (Way cheaper on Amazon than ordering from GRT)
GRT's instructions will get you where you need to be and I know there's at least a hundred folks on here that know way more than I do about setting it up.
I did do something a bit differently than others with one of the boxes I put together. Used this case:
Stratux Case
Disassembled the USB/Serial dongle and fit it inside the case:

And used the SDR connected directly to the bottom of the glare shield mounted antenna, connected to the Stratux with an extension. Cut way down on the stuff in the case and made room for the surgically modified dongle.

Also used this little guy for a power supply to the Stratux, mounted to the case with Velcro or two sided foam tape. (Servo tape)
12v - 5V Power Supply

That's all I've got. I'm sure there are better ways of doing this and hopefully they'll all come out on this thread for you.
Best to you Mike.

The Stratux serial adapter is not available. You can try contacting Chris directly from the Github page to see if he is getting more.

You can use the one from Open Source Solutions or one from Amazon such as KNACRO CP2102 module. With these you use the latest Stratux software, v1.4r5.

I think you have a GRT Horizon WS. You need to update to the latest software on it too. I think that is WS36.00. If you read the notes, at the bottom one of the last statements is support ADSB receivers.

Let me know if you need help.

Jim Butcher

Jim, by chance did you mean Open Flight Solutions for the cable?? They make a unit called "FlightBox"

Will it work on a "Stratux" unit made by Everlast Concepts??

I will be feeding the output into a HX, not WS. I do have both but the WS is going to be dedicated to displaying the EIS data.

Thanks for the assistance, appreciate it.
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How are you dealing with the fact the Stratux wants a shut down command from some wifi device instead of simply being connected to a power switch like the rest of the avionics? I really do not want to have to deal with anything other than simply a power switch to turn it on or off.

Mike, I've never encountered any problems with turning on or shutting down my Stratux via a power switch. It is my understanding recent versions of the software use the card as read-only so it doesn't get corrupted when power is removed.
Mike, I've never encountered any problems with turning on or shutting down my Stratux via a power switch. It is my understanding recent versions of the software use the card as read-only so it doesn't get corrupted when power is removed.


I don't think your information is accurate. I just downloaded stratux-v1.4r5

The boot command is:
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait

and /etc/fstab shows:

/dev/mmcblk0p2 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1

Which means the file system would be mounted readwrite.

I suspect you have gotten very lucky and your system is running fsck on every boot.

For people wanting to perma-mount a stratux, I recommend using this method of making it read-only:

I causes the system to use overlayfs to make the system read/write but to memory while root is readonly.

While we are talking about stratux, what are people using for external antennas? I saw the y-cable method, but it's not that elegant, nor technically correct. I was thinking about using some lmr-240 cable and a UHMW block and building a remote windscreen mount like the flightbox solution.
I believe the FlightBox implementation has a read-only filesystem. As @akschu says, the default on the self-built Stratux boxes is for read/write.

I've been running one for two years, updating the software occasionally, and always powering on/off by plugging/unplugging the Micro-USB cable. No problems... Yet...
So I downloaded the flightbox img and loopback mounted it in my linux host. This system uses this for it's fstab:

/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat defaults,ro 0 2
/dev/mmcblk0p2 / ext4 defaults,noatime,ro 0 1
/dev/mmcblk0p3 /mnt/stratux ext4 defaults,noatime,rw 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p4 /root ext4 defaults,noatime,rw 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=20M,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=10M,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /var/log tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=10M,mode=1777 0 0
tmpfs /var/lib/dhcp tmpfs nodev,nosuid,size=10M,mode=1777 0 0

So basically /tmp /var/tmp /var/log and /var/lib/dhcp are memory based file systems, / is read only, and /mnt/stratux and /root are read/write.

It's kinda hacky really.... I think the overlay FS things I posted above is the better solution. A memory based filesystem is laid over the top of a readonly file system. This is nicer than breaking out a bunch of partitions and tmpfs mounting some of them.

I've thought about building a super streamlined linux to just run stratux, kinda like a docker image that runs on bare metal, as I bet I could get it down to 200MB, but even if I put in all of the work, nobody will use it because people prefer debian magic for some reason, and it will only benefit me.

For now, I'll just use the straight stratux image with the overlayfs init.
The FlightBox Cable will work

We use the same mechanism (EEPROM setting of "Stratux Serialout") for determining what the cable is supposed to do. You can use it with either a FlightBox or a Stratux.

Here's a link to the product:

Keep in mind that you may need either a small unpowered USB hub or a USB pigtail extension cable to plug this in, since the "dongle" (the RS-232 to USB converter at the end of the cable) won't fit inside the case that Chris, Everlast, CrewDog, and (as of earlier this year) I use.

PM me if you have questions.


Hack that works...

So basically /tmp /var/tmp /var/log and /var/lib/dhcp are memory based file systems, / is read only, and /mnt/stratux and /root are read/write.

It's kinda hacky really.... I think the overlay FS things I posted above is the better solution.

I respectfully disagree. The mission requirement for the FlightBox image was to be as close to indestructible as possible. I looked at using an overlay filesystem but with the exception of updates, the only thing that ever needs to be persisted across reboots is a very small amount of configuration data. Overlay was overkill and was subject to the same power-off corruption problem as the base Stratux.

I put the FlightBox image on a torture tester - an Arduino-based relay device that powered it up then after somewhere between 1 and 90 seconds later, powered it off. I let it run for a couple of weeks before the ticking of the relay started to bug me. When I shut it down it had done over 14,000 cycles without corrupting.

Stock Stratux images survived between 50 and 500 cycles before corrupting to the point that they wouldn't boot. A few actually failed in a way that destroyed the uSD card.
I respectfully disagree. The mission requirement for the FlightBox image was to be as close to indestructible as possible. I looked at using an overlay filesystem but with the exception of updates, the only thing that ever needs to be persisted across reboots is a very small amount of configuration data. Overlay was overkill and was subject to the same power-off corruption problem as the base Stratux.

Hmmm, I didn't realize that some config data needed to survive a reboot. My overlayfs solution doesn't retain anything between boots. Perhaps that's why you called it overkill, because you were trying to merge stratux updates and config changes into the base layer. If you throw away any change on reboot, it's actually a lot less complex...

Also, what do you mean power-off corruption problems? If the base layer is read-only and all writes go to a tmpfs overlay, how could that be corrupt?

I put the FlightBox image on a torture tester - an Arduino-based relay device that powered it up then after somewhere between 1 and 90 seconds later, powered it off. I let it run for a couple of weeks before the ticking of the relay started to bug me. When I shut it down it had done over 14,000 cycles without corrupting.

Stock Stratux images survived between 50 and 500 cycles before corrupting to the point that they wouldn't boot. A few actually failed in a way that destroyed the uSD card.

That certainly proves your solution. Good Job!
We use the same mechanism (EEPROM setting of "Stratux Serialout") for determining what the cable is supposed to do. You can use it with either a FlightBox or a Stratux.


I put the FlightBox image on a torture tester - an Arduino-based relay device that powered it up then after somewhere between 1 and 90 seconds later, powered it off. I let it run for a couple of weeks before the ticking of the relay started to bug me. When I shut it down it had done over 14,000 cycles without corrupting.

So, if I am reading this correctly, the unit you have is virtually identical to other Stratux boxes----and can share the connection cable.

Will your data card also work in other units-----specifically the Stratux by Everlast Concepts?
Steve didn't reply, probably busy.....

While I didn't personally try it, I'm 99.9% sure the serial output cable will work on another unit. Read more about how it works here:

Basically it's hard to tell which serial port is the gps and which is the output, so someone figured out how to name it in the serial hardware and match on that.

Also, the data card will probably work as long as the GPS and radios used are the same, and you get the advantage of not having corruption issues.
Steve didn't reply, probably busy.....

While I didn't personally try it, I'm 99.9% sure the serial output cable will work on another unit.

Pretty sure I have that issue taken care of.

Also, the data card will probably work as long as the GPS and radios used are the same, and you get the advantage of not having corruption issues.

Thanks, probably sounds pretty good-----hope Steve answers just to make sure.
So, if I am reading this correctly, the unit you have is virtually identical to other Stratux boxes----and can share the connection cable.

Will your data card also work in other units-----specifically the Stratux by Everlast Concepts?

Hi Mike,

FlightBox has a few unique features (NMEA output, unique SSID for each system, iOS and Android apps for updates) and is more robust because of the read-only filesystems, but it's still Stratux under the hood.

You can download and burn our image and (or order a card with it pre-installed) and it will run just fine in a box from Everlast, CrewDog, etc.

Our GDL-90 output RS-232 cable will work with either a stock Stratux image or the FlightBox image.

What akschu described is correct: some USB GPSs used the same USB interface chip as the RS-232 adapter. The easiest way to tell them apart was to set "Stratux Serialout" as the product name. This works really well - our EFIS interfaces with several RS-232 gadgets using the same type of cable - we just give them different names.


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Stuff that gets stored

Hmmm, I didn't realize that some config data needed to survive a reboot.

There are a few things. The most important are probably calibration parameters for the AHRS: orientation, gyro bias, a quaternion that defines level for your system.

We also store the Mode S address for your airplane (if you have ADS-B out) - that helps prevent ownship "ghost" images in the traffic display.

The baud rate for GDL-90 and NMEA output is also stored. Both default to 38,400 and most of the gear that that data flows to can adapt to that, so we could probably skip it.

We have a bunch of commercial customers with custom installations. We store various network configuration data for them, since we the connect over the Ethernet port. We normally get the list of clients to blast with GDL-90 over UDP from the onboard DHCP server. Since clients on the Ethernet link aren't leasing addresses from our DHCP server, we let them push client addresses to us which we store across reboots.

Other things are just nice-to-have: optional source tagging on traffic targets, watch list for weather updates, some developer stuff.

Also, what do you mean power-off corruption problems? If the base layer is read-only and all writes go to a tmpfs overlay, how could that be corrupt?

Ah, that was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought you were using the same sort of config as the old "Linux LiveCD" builds, which used a flash device to store the overlay delta. If you're writing that to tmpfs, you're right - very little chance of corruption.

That certainly proves your solution. Good Job!

Thanks! It was really a "necessity" thing - it really helps keep the support queue in check.
Hi Mike,

You can download and burn our image and (or order a card with it pre-installed) and it will run just fine in a box from Everlast, CrewDog, etc.

Our GDL-90 output RS-232 cable will work with either a stock Stratux image or the FlightBox image.



Great, will order a pre-loaded card from you. I have no idea how to make my own from a download.

I think I have the cable issue taken care of--------got one of these as suggested by someone else here. KNACRO CP2102 Module STC Download Cable USB 2.0 to TTL 5PIN Serial Converter

If that doesnt work, will get the cable from you.

Thanks for the reply.....

Thanks! It was really a "necessity" thing - it really helps keep the support queue in check.

For sure.

I wouldn't have even shipped an image without that being fixed. I was surprised to find that stratux doesn't address that issue, imagine if your modem/router/toaster/appliance/car stereo/blueray required a clean shutdown every time you powered it off. Ugh....

This is why I corrected Sam in my initial post. I wanted to make it clear (like really clear, like posting the actual /etc/fstab) that those using the default stratux and trusting it will work every time they turn the switch on will eventually have problems, it's just a matter of time.

I may just switch to your solution.... I might even contribute. Do you have your customizations in github?