
Active Member
OK. I think this is getting somewhat stupid. It's sort of like my Cable TV provider. When will it get bad enough that I cut and run? I now see that Garmin GDL-39 provides interfaces with Foreflight. However, Stratus still will not interface with anything but Foreflight. They are flanged up tight. Eventually, this arrangement will start to cost them customers. Maybe not yet, but sooner or later.
Build a STRATUX and move on...I did.
My wife Marilyn has Foreflight and I have Avare.
She is switching to Avare this week.
Foreflight likes their stuff a bit too much.
I haven't bought a Stratus because I use both Foreflight and WingX Pro. Instead, I built a Stratux and also got a FlightBox, a commercial version of Stratux, when they were a Kickstarter project.
I did both: stratus for faa blessed adsb out and in to foreflight and a stratux box for adsb in to my grt sport and horizon, giving me audio alerts and traffic on pfd and mfd. I do remember a saying about the man with 2 watches though...:rolleyes: