
Well Known Member
I bought a used Stratus 2S. It seems to charge up fine as I get the green pulsing light after a while. But last night, I charged it up fully, then took it out to the airplane this afternoon. As soon as I turned it on, the battery light was amber, and the iPad indicated that it was only 17 percent charged. According to the seller, it was just sent in for refurbishment including a new battery, so I'm at a loss.

Anyone else have knowledge or experience with this issue? Am I supposed to leave it on the charger until use? I can't imagine it would discharge overnight while powered off.
I'd charge it a time or two and determine if its really a malfunction. If so, give them a call and explain the situation (referb, etc) and see what they can do. In my experience, the company will bend over backwards to take care of you.
Honestly the stratus is **** in this department. We have close to 100 of them with just as many that are broken for my squadron. The charging port is a weak link and we?ve seen them come back numerous times with the same issues we sent them in with. Mostly related to charging. The best cure we found is an adapter that stays in the charging port and a charging cable that mates with neodymium magnets to charge the unit. Good luck, hopefully they get it fixed for ya