
Well Known Member
I had the absolute pleasure of a pax flight in an RV-8a a couple of days ago, flown by one of the worlds more famous RV'ers. What a fantastic machine!

I had a wobble of the stick myself too, from the back seat - I can't beleive how beautifully balanced it all feels. How you guys can connect an autopilot to such delightful controls, I'll never know! :D I'll be flying S-turns all the way to my destination when mine is eventually built and flying - roll on the day!

That is all


PS: Happy new year and blue skies to you all
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It hooked me, but I was already hooked before the ride.

Regarding autopilots, I was thinking about installing one originally. I decided to wait and as it turns out, I probably never will. Having gone several cross countries with it, I also find the plane too much fun and too easy to fly, plus it trims out so nicely, why bother. If I were doing IFR flying, I would add it. I am strictly VFR/night, so it really isn't necessary for me to have the autopilot.

Happy New Year!

Like Roberta I had the fever before I had my first flight but am pleased to say my first flight in an RV was given by a famous and very kind Doug Reeves. Doug was putting his plane in the hangar when he noticed a guy (me) drooling on the other side of the plane and without hesitation offered me my first ride!

It's not only the excitement of building, the performance of the plane, but the kindness of the RV community that sealed my decision to go RV.