
Well Known Member
Those of you that use a towbar, do you travel with it, and if so, have you done anything specific to secure it in the baggage compartment - some type of clamp set up? Would you mind sharing thoughts?
Those of you that use a towbar, do you travel with it, and if so, have you done anything specific to secure it in the baggage compartment - some type of clamp set up? Would you mind sharing thoughts?

No, but when I have it with me, it's usually on the bottom underneath the luggage (don't take it on short trips).

Be advised...if it's something like the Bogi-bar, it can mess up ADAHRS data if your ADAHRS is mounted behind the baggage bulkhead. Ask me how I know this.
Jim, I have one with a push pin /lock extension and a bracket that is simple and small bungee cord to keep tight. I will take a pic and get to you. I have two, one at hangar and one that stays in plane.
I have a lot of 'travel' items that routinely live in the bottom six inches or so of the baggage area of my -6a, including a collapsible tow bar. I try to compartmentalize them, but I do not secure them. If they are involved in a flight geometry that would have them travelling above seat back level, I figure I have bigger fish to fry on that particular day. YMMV.
I made a small vinyl bag and keep my spare tow bar in it. If I?m traveling away from my home field and plan to stay overnight I will consider storing it behind my seat in the cargo area flat on the floor. I have two bungee cords running across my cargo floor attached to the cargo tie downs that it securely fits under.
Be advised...if it's something like the Bogi-bar, it can mess up ADAHRS data if your ADAHRS is mounted behind the baggage bulkhead. Ask me how I know this.

Messes with my GRT magnetometer that is mounted behind the baggage bulkhead. Took me awhile to figure out what the issue was. I leave it home now as it just isn?t that critical to have.

When I take the tow bar with me on a long trip, I keep it very near the top so I can access it without having to take all the baggage out...
When flying alone in my -7A, I stand it up alongside the right side wall. One leg of my Bogi-bar nests under the right armrest and the lever handle points straight up. Fits right in with minimal space. The T-handle is a few inches from the panel. My suitcase laying flat on the seat is pushed up against it and secures it in place. That location makes it very convenient to remove without unloading the baggage.
Tool clips

... have you done anything specific to secure it in the baggage compartment - some type of clamp set up? ...
I installed four 5/8ths-inch tool clips on the floor of my forward baggage compartment. To make it more secure I also installed a lock pin (foreground) through one of the tow bar's existing holes.

Buy an RV12 towbar

I carry an RV12 towbar in the baggage compartment of my 6A. I got the idea from Mike Seager. It's aluminium and is very light. I had to drag my plane off a runway once with an electric tug and dolly (under a flat main). The only way to attach the tug was to hook up the towbar to the nosewheel and tie the towbar handle to the tug. Amazingly, that little aluminum towbar took the strain with no apparent damage.

The towbar just rides on the floor of the baggage compartment and I don't think it is likely to interfere with electronics. John
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