
Well Known Member
Hey folks,
I picked up 2 quarts each of Alumaprep 33 and Alodine (or whatever Bonderite is calling them now.....).

I read the MSDS and the technical data sheets for both, so I am sure I have the right PPE (full face respirator, gloves, etc). BUT, I am not sure what the best way to store this stuff is.

I am going to mix them both, in their respective ratios, with water so I can prep my smaller parts in a bath solution. Is it safe to store both of these, in their diluted bath ratios, in regular plastic 1 gallon milk / water jugs?

I picked up some distilled water to mix them with, and it would be nice if I could just re-use these same gallon jugs to store the solutions in, but I want to make sure its not going to dissolve the jug when its stored.
I've had both in plastic jugs (ex windshield washer jugs) for a few years now. No problems. I wrapped the alodine jug with tape to block light.
I've stored both of these in their original containers for over twenty years with no signs of degradation when I used them recently. They were on a shelf in the garage.
I find Alodine loses it's power in six months or so, even undiluted and covered over with a cardboard box to keep the light away. Better on unopened container. Maybe I should find smaller jugs that would be full with no air in them.
I purchased some of the Bonderite powder a couple months ago from a fellow forum member and mixed up 2 gallons of it stored in the 1 gallon containers of distilled water I bought for the mix. I also had about 1/2 gallon of pre mixed Alodine I had left over from my RV-10 build. It is at least 7 Year?s old and it still worked great on some fuel tank access plates I treated last week. I have some photos of them in my Extended range RV-9A tanks post the other day. Nice deep gold so I would think it?s still working good. Won?t tap into the new stuff until it?s gone.
I use any HDPE container. Rubbermaid storage or the ubiquitous 5 gallon HDPE bucket with a sealing lid. I have some PVC tubes for long parts and it does not seem to last as long there.

Reuse of milk, water cartons are not acceptable. They are not UV stabilized and will get brittle and fail. I really would not want an alodine spill.
Do not use milk/water jugs. They will leak.
Arizona Iced Tea and similar jugs work great.
Keep the Alodine jugs in a dark container like a black Rubbermaid container.
Speaking of... I just pulled out my two tonight to alodine some parts. I've had the stuff since 2014, I think, and it still works fine. The Aluma-Prep and a maroon Scotch-Brite pad also did a bang-up job of removing stains from the tub in the main bath when we remodeled.