
Well Known Member
I'm building in a hangar and I'm trying to get storage insurance for $80,000. Kit, engine and avionics. The best I've seen so far was $1100 yearly. Does that sound about right for hangar storage while building?

That's out of line. I have $80K builders risk on my RV-9A through Gallagher that I just renewed and the premium was $518. Give Shanna or Kim a call. They know the experimental market thoroughly and specialize in Van's RV's.

That's out of line. I have $80K builders risk on my RV-9A through Gallagher that I just renewed and the premium was $518. Give Shanna or Kim a call. They know the experimental market thoroughly and specialize in Van's RV's.

Agree. What he said. I have about the same hull policy.
Another Thumps Up foe Gallagher

About 600 as I recall for ?Builders Risk? insurance.
I wouldn?t refer to it as ?Storage? if you?re in the process of building.
Another Thumps Up for Gallagher

About 600 as I recall for ?Builders Risk? insurance.
I wouldn?t refer to it as ?Storage? if you?re in the process of building.