
Hi Gang,

I've quite enjoyed reading all the posts and tricks/tidbits of info. I've been lurking since the early fall and after a visit to the Van's factory in late September and getting some ducks in a row, I've finally ordered the tail kit for an RV8!!:D I'm pretty excited and can't wait to get my hands on that.

Having never attempted a project of this magnitude, I'm a little apprehensive:eek: but I know there are a lot of folks on this site and Van's themselves to help me down the road.

Cheers, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Two pieces of advice I was given before starting the building process that were useful to me.

1. Go into the shop every day, even if you don't do anything. Look at the plans and see what is coming down the road, reorganize / clean your shop, rebuild a work bench, sharpen a drill bit or two, anything. A daily visit keeps you motivated.

2. Don't look at the whole plane as one project. An airplane has 100's of "project" that need to be completed and assembled for the final product. Each part is a project. When you finish one, take a little time and step back and say; "I did that!"

Good luck and keep us posted as to your progress!
Hey Andrew, and welcome.

It is a big project but also one that will provide many hours of enjoyment, challenge and satisfaction over a relatively long period of time. All good things with a cool goal at the end.

Like others have said, do something everyday, order/pay as you go, and stay plugged in here and with any other local builders you can find.

RV7A wiring after 9 years of very slow on/off building/tinkering. I took 2.5 years off to focus on home renovations and my business. Back at it now. :)
Abbotsford BC
Having never attempted a project of this magnitude, I'm a little apprehensive:eek: but I know there are a lot of folks on this site and Van's themselves to help me down the road.


I believe all first time builders are apprehensive. I stalled and stalled before drilling that first hole. Even though I had 3/32 bits, I made a special trip over the Avery's at Hicks field to buy some new ones, just so I wouldn't have to start building that day. I was afraid of making that first mistake. Yes, I was very apprehensive. I finally ran out of excuses to not start building. I picked up the drill, and sized that first prepunched hole, and Beautiful Doll became an airplane project! After each part was completed, I'd look at it and think: Wow....I built that!

Building an airplane is a life changing endeavour. Even after I was flying, I would close up the hanger, and head for the car, only to turn around, open the hanger door, look across at the Doll sitting there, and think: OMG, I can't believe I built that! It's a wonderful feeling.

1) You will make mistakes......learn from it, fix it, and move on.
2) Work on your plane a minimum of five minutes everyday!
(this alone will get your plane finished)
3) You are not building a watch, it doesn't have to keep time, only fly!
4) Don't be afraid to ask for help
5) Have fun.. You won't believe how much fun building your own plane can be!

Good Luck,
Moose Jaw, RV8

Congrats. I wish I were so brave. I got my RV-8 (Bald Eagle) from a wonderful builder. It's been a GREAT airplane to fly. There are not many 8's in Canada yet.
Welcome to VAF Andrew..

...the greatest RV family on the planet!

Not only are there thousands of RV builders, there are a pile of multiple RV builders on here and the brain trust is awesome here.

Again...welcome to the family brother:)