Well Known Member
A pilot at work had his truck broken into last night.
The thieves stole his flight bag with a Garmin 396 and Flight Log Book.

What do you do if you loose your flight log book and have no backup records?
The FAA has you last reported hours from your license

So you can request a copy of your last submitted form, and go from there. If you have a lot more hours than that and no backup, then you are out of luck to my knowledge. Its very wise for all to keep a digital copy of their logbook even if its only a scanned copy. I use safelog which works great for me, as I got my logbook stolen in a flight bag a long time ago. Since then, I still record my hours on paper and update the software logbook periodically.
Not much your friend can do about it now, but for everyone else, here's some suggestions:

  1. I keep my old logbooks in a safe at home.
  2. I scan each of my logbook pages as I fill them up. This way, if I lose a book, I've only lost the last few flights. If you don't have a scanner, photocopy each page and file them somewhere away from your logbook.
  3. I also enter all of my flights into's logbook feature. If you're an EAA member, this is a free service. It keeps a running total for me by column. It also allows me to search for currency and hours by make/model, etc.
Your AME...

...will have a copy of your last physical with the hours there.

A notary can sign an affidavit that you fill in telling the hours you have and enter them with the affidavit in the front of your new logbook.
