In this and age of $20 wifi security cameras it upsets me that the airport doesn't have even a cheap surveillance system. :mad:
Just guessing that probably wasn't Narco ADFs and old Cessna radios.!! Don't believe you could steal enought of those in one stop to accumulate $40,000 worth of equipment. However, The value of tray mounted and portable electronics these days can easily exceed that.
Sorry for those who lost that, was close by here at Cherokee Co north of Atlanta. Hope those responsible can be identified in the sale ads and equipment recovered.
This is just horrible. Even worse that it?s one of our local airports here in North Georgia.
Our airport has lots of security cameras, and

caught a thief stealing "stuff" out of hangar --- he had managed to turn off several cameras, but missed one. ----- serving 10 years!


Couldn?t they just check out who flew in by looking at the ADS-B history? Just a thought
But well within radar coverage, a call to Hampton ATC by the right person might well reveal an excellent lead.
Would like to see the items and SN#?s listed somewhere. Would take a lot of value out of them on the resale market.
At an airport local to me there were a number of locked hangar break ins from the backside where there was no camera coverage. The thieves reportedly used battery operated heavy duty sheet metal shears to cut an entrance into the rear of the hangars. Once inside they “tunneled” into adjacent hangars as well.
Airport has since ramped up security but still a bummer for everyone.
Just thought I would add that you can't rely on looking for the serial numbers. What these thieves will do is steal a piece of hardware from one airplane and then swap it with identical hardware in another plane. The second plane owner never realizes his equipment has been swapped (but he does have stolen equipment in his aircraft) so doesn't report anything. The thief then sells the hardware from the second plane and no serial numbers show up as stolen.
evil thieves

Just thought I would add that you can't rely on looking for the serial numbers. What these thieves will do is steal a piece of hardware from one airplane and then swap it with identical hardware in another plane. The second plane owner never realizes his equipment has been swapped (but he does have stolen equipment in his aircraft) so doesn't report anything. The thief then sells the hardware from the second plane and no serial numbers show up as stolen.
Both clever and evil. I would have never though of this. I guess it makes sense to always run serial numbers on anything you buy to find out who the last owner was, and then contact them.