
Well Known Member
Trying to decide which gear to equip for ADSB-OUT

What I have:
I have a GTN650 installed (No ADSB wired to it).
I have an Aera 550 installed in a panel mount- hardwired to ships power, sharing flight plan with 650(hard wired), and also hard wired to GDL39 antenna for ADSB-IN

I also have an ipad with Garman Pilot App getting ADS-B IN signal via Bluetooth from the GDL39 antenna.

My transponder is a late model Narco with a digital display.

When I fly, I have a basic flight plan on the 650 (terrain details off, no ADSB) , traffic only on the 550 from ADSB, and a moving-chart on the Ipad with weather from ADSB.

I am thinking just a GTX330ES would be sufficient for basic ADSB-OUT, but I believe one of the new Garmin boxes would give me wireless ADS-B IN throughout the aircraft and I could dump the Aera 550 and have ADSB IN wired to the 650.

What would you guys do for an ADS-B Out solution if you had the same equipment as me?
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While the GTN-650 provides a 2020 compliant ADS-B GPS out source, I would not consider it to be a practical ADS-B in display.

I'm flying with the GTN-650 now and other than updating frequencies or the never ending IFR routing changes I rarely look at it. The SkyView provides a much better integrated display.

If you are going to buy a new XPDR to be ADS-B out compliant, look at all the options in the event you want to later integrate full ADS-B display capability.

Don't even think of using the iPad. They don't last that long and when it dies, Apple while have changed the form factor and wiring, so replacing it will be a pain.
I am really starting to think that just adding an ADS-B out transponder is the easiest route for me.

It appears the GTX330ES has a cost of $3995
but the new GTX335 is $2995.

I am not seeing much difference in what they each offer?
The Trig TT-22 and -32(?) transponders are less expensive, and can 'read' the ADSB+ output from your GTN. The Garmin remote SES transponder is also lower cost if you have the Garmin efis to communicate with it. But look carefully at the installation details, the 330 is very deep. Also remember that these boxes are supposed to automatically switch from flight mode to ground mode. You may need additional equipment to support that.