Darren S

Well Known Member
Well my quest for a -6/7 continues. A few deals fell through but something will break soon :) I'm an optimist and I'm not giving up yet !

I saw a nice -6 for sale. It was flying but had some damage to the rudder and a little to the fin from a hanger related incident. It's grounded at the moment. The price is good and I am considering it. It would need a new fin/rudder so I called Van's. The fella there said that they don't make/sell the original -6 fin/rudder any more. I found that surprising. He admitted however that he wasn't a "full blown" tech guy and was helping out the tech dept. for the day.

Anyways..... he recommended using a fin/rudder from an -8 as a replacement. The price is only $500 which is nice as I thought it would be more. I find this quite ironic seeing as I have a few postings inquiring about the original -6 tail vs. the larger -6 tail. Irony :) Who knows, maybe this is the one !!!

So what's the consensus. Is the -8 fin/rudder a good idea or go on the Classifieds and find someone who has an original -6 fin/rudder for sale and buy that instead ?


Well my quest for a -6/7 continues. A few deals fell through but something will break soon :) I'm an optimist and I'm not giving up yet !

I saw a nice -6 for sale. It was flying but had some damage to the rudder and a little to the fin from a hanger related incident. It's grounded at the moment. The price is good and I am considering it. It would need a new fin/rudder so I called Van's. The fella there said that they don't make/sell the original -6 fin/rudder any more. I found that surprising. He admitted however that he wasn't a "full blown" tech guy and was helping out the tech dept. for the day.

Anyways..... he recommended using a fin/rudder from an -8 as a replacement. The price is only $500 which is nice as I thought it would be more. I find this quite ironic seeing as I have a few postings inquiring about the original -6 tail vs. the larger -6 tail. Irony :) Who knows, maybe this is the one !!!

So what's the consensus. Is the -8 fin/rudder a good idea or go on the Classifieds and find someone who has an original -6 fin/rudder for sale and buy that instead ?




Try calling Vans again, It is true they no longer sell an emp kit for starting an RV-6 project (you get upgraded to the much more advanced RV-7 kit), but I think the "old style" vertical stab skin and rudder share part numbers with the RV-4 which is still available.

You didn't state what engine and prop is on the RV-6 in question, but if the prop is fixed-pitch, you don't want to put the larger and heavier "new" tail on the plane. RV-6's tend to have the CG in the back half of the range unless equipped with a heavy constant-speed prop. Best to look for a "classic" :) tail .... or a different plane.

Good luck with your search!
Ok thanks Sam. Will call them tomorrow. The engine is a 150 HP fixed pitch setup. I learnt from my previous postings that a larger Fin at the rear should really be mated with a bigger motor up front.

So tell me again, Am I to ask for a - 4 tail ? This fella said that the -8 tail was smaller than the -7 tail and in his opinion should work. I was hoping to get more of a "will work" answer rather than a "should work" answer :)

He also couldn't tell me the weight penalty between the -6 "classic" and the -8. If I get stuck having to go that route, couldn't I mount the battery up front under the cowl to help offset the weight on the tail ?

Just an idea.


So tell me again, Am I to ask for a - 4 tail ? This fella said that the -8 tail was smaller than the -7 tail and in his opinion should work. I was hoping to get more of a "will work" answer rather than a "should work" answer :)

Tell them you need the parts to repair an old-style RV-6 vertical stabilizer and rudder. Your original post stated the plane "had some damage to the rudder and a little to the fin from a hanger related incident". I assume the damage is repairable and doesn't require total replacement.

Obviously you need someone knowledgeable about RV's to disassemble the parts so you will know what to order, and then to put everything back together. If this sounds too daunting, you need to move on to another plane. :)
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Two options....

Be patient and keep your eyes out or advertise that you are looking for one. There are still hundreds of abandoned empennage kits out there, or partial completed, and even completed rudders for the 6.
Also, you can scratch build all of the parts necessary. The plans detail all the parts. The only trick is the bends in the skin and the spar. As Sam suggests, the 4 may share the same skin, and/or spar.
If you do not have access to a brake, any sheet metal shop could make the bends quite easily from the plans.
The ribs can be easily formed with blocks.

Vertical skin - VS401
Rudder skin - R-401-020 (thicker skin)
Both parts can be found on "The List" on Van's site. Other components for both pieces are listed in the same general area. Should be able to get a good feel for repair cost.
If you make a deal, I believe I have both these skins put up, be glad to sell at a reduced price.

Good Luck!
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Yes you can get the parts


I just purchased all new parts to build a complete RV6 rudder for the original non-counterbalanced rudder. Give Vans the serial number of the plane and they will sell you everything that you need.
Have you ever had your cable go out while watching TV ?

So you call the cable company and some guy on the other end tells you that you are screwed and that a repair guy has to come out to fix the problem. Then on whim you call back the same cable company and get a different guy and he punches a few buttons and BOOM your TV is back on and your couch potato lifestyle can continue. Every have this happen ? :) I have.

Well I got the straight goods from Van's today. Yep, if needed I can order the parts, just go to the blueprints and tell 'em what I need. Simple. The tech guy said that it's a pain to try and change the tail to something different, it's not needed and if possible try and get the original fixed.

So now I'm in the know. Keep in simple and fly the -6 as Van intended and have fun.

Thanks for the help again guys,

Oh Boy, Something else to worry about


RV-6's tend to have the CG in the back half of the range unless equipped with a heavy constant-speed prop. Best to look for a "classic" :) tail .... or a different plane.

Good luck with your search!

You really got me thinking here Sam. I'm building a 6A with a 360 & metal FP prop.
Being equipped with a nose wheel do the A's have the same GC problems as the 6. And if they do, how could one alleviate that problem short of bolting extra weights up front? Flew a plane once with aft GC problems and it scared the poop out of me. I just want to make sure my project comes out safe.
Any thoughts you could share on this subject? Probably worrying for nothing but I heard someplace that's there's no such thing as a dumb question while building a plane.
You really got me thinking here Sam. I'm building a 6A with a 360 & metal FP prop.
Being equipped with a nose wheel do the A's have the same GC problems as the 6. And if they do, how could one alleviate that problem short of bolting extra weights up front? Flew a plane once with aft GC problems and it scared the poop out of me. I just want to make sure my project comes out safe.
Any thoughts you could share on this subject? Probably worrying for nothing but I heard someplace that's there's no such thing as a dumb question while building a plane.

Tom, no need to worry. :)

The combination of the extra wheel at the front of the RV-6A along with the absence of a wheel on the tail will prevent the -A from having most of the aft CG issues that are common with the RV-6.

Having said that, you still want to be aware of the need to avoid unnecessary weight at the tail of the plane (excess paint, etc). Both models of the -6 are very capable aircraft as long as you recognize their innate characteristics.

I've only seen the CG at the aft limit a couple of times, and that was with the plane really loaded. Even then the aircraft was very controllable for a pilot with a gentle, attentive hand and some RV hours. But it would be a handful for a hamfisted, inexperienced pilot.

Tom, no need to worry. :)

The combination of the extra wheel at the front of the RV-6A along with the absence of a wheel on the tail will prevent the -A from having most of the aft CG issues that are common with the RV-6.

Having said that, you still want to be aware of the need to avoid unnecessary weight at the tail of the plane (excess paint, etc). Both models of the -6 are very capable aircraft as long as you recognize their innate characteristics.

I've only seen the CG at the aft limit a couple of times, and that was with the plane really loaded. Even then the aircraft was very controllable for a pilot with a gentle, attentive hand and some RV hours. But it would be a handful for a hamfisted, inexperienced pilot.

Thanks Sam
I can sleep now!:D
-6 parts

A few months ago, I bought parts to build a new vertical stab. I believe you can still get the parts for the small tail, but not an empenage kit, as they have been deleted.
Classic VS avail

If somebody really has a burning desire, or the extra room to store it, I still have the Classic VS boxed and waiting in my tool shed awaiting your request to sent it. That's an offer - I'll ship, you pay shipping, picture avail. Lunch money appreciated - if you like it.

Of course, I could go dig it out, weigh it, and then open the storage shed and find the -8 VS, weigh it, and tell y'all the results - for those who have an urge for empirical data. But, it will only be the VS, as I have no -6 rudder to weigh. [Awaiting the foundation of a new workshop to get back to building.]

Since I acquired the One Line Item (on Vans list) -8 VS/Rudder kit, the Classic VS will just gather dust awaiting an opportunity for the Smithsonian to call. Not holding my breath, but it won't go with the aluminum cans unless my wife finds it in the living room -again.

RV-6A QB (wings, fuse, emp)
Ordering finishing kit now