Smilin' Jack

Well Known Member
Well gang were still at work on the project. Had a couple of hospital visits interfer with a couple items.

Any way the rudder is done.
Were getting ready to bend the elevators hopefully Monday or Tuesday.

Only had one opps really had to re dimple one hole on the elevator skins and the dimple die dropped out of the old hand... one added dent to the upper service. What a pain.
You try so hard to do a great job... only to have this stuff happen.

Hope you all having a great weekend. It was absolutely beautiful in Georgia Saturday and Sunday. Temperatures were in the 70's both days.

Going up to Jasper Airport this week to help a friend on his 7A get his annual done.. well he's doing it... I'm just along to learn some stuff I have forgot.

Smilin' Jack
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