
Well Known Member
I'm still having no luck finding a local -9 driver. I've checked Van's list, and haven't been able to reach anyone. The local EAA chapters are a bit thin on info for non-members, and I don't want to join a local chapter because I'm moving in two months.

Help? Please? :( <-- sad puppy eyes

EDIT: Please note, I have NO problem paying for fuel.
There is a 9A in the Denver area..

He recently posted about a trip to the Bahamas. Send me a PM with your name and phone number and I will get it to him. No guarantee that he will give a ride since I don't know his feelings on it. But it never hurts to ask.
Ride in a 9A

Rosie just e-mailed me this thread. I sure that Ron is referring to me in his post also. I have a 9A that I keep out at FTG. Give me a call and we'll try to set something up.