
Well Known Member
I tried this back in August without any responses so I thought I would resurrect it once more in hopes someone can help. I have an Andair FS 20 valve with left and right at 45 degrees, off facing aft. It is getting very difficult to switch between tanks. While everything was apart with the panel upgrade, I cleaned what I could without taking apart the valve itself. Has anyone has a similar problem with the Andair valve sticking? Are there user serviceable parts inside? So far, Andair hasn't been much help other than to suggest sending it to them.
I have a similar sticky Andair fuel selector. Can these valves be serviced or lubricated without returning it to Andair?
Thank you,
I just tried to find an exploded view of an Andair valve, no luck there. Only illustrations show how various fittings could bolt to the sides of the valve. I don't think lubricating the top shaft would work it's way down to the binding surfaces inside without actually disassembling the whole valve. If you do get the valve apart, I bet you will need a bunch of specialty seals to reassemble it...
That one was resurrected from a few years ago. A few drops of lubricant seemed to do the trick. It usually lasts until my next annual so I've made that part of the list of things to do.
I?d be happy to lube it at the condition inspection but with what lubricant? Do you let it drip down the selector shaft?