William Slaughter

Well Known Member
Just fitted up the Infinity stickgrip to the stick and installed the assembly into the plane. I have an "S bent" stick and trimmed it to get the stickgrip as low as practical, but the clearance to the instrument panel is still minimal. The edge of the coolie hat switch is the closest approach at about 3/16". I might be able to trim another 1/8" max, but there is no way I can get enough to clear if I had my thumb on the switch. On the other hand, it seems unlikely that I would be needing to run trim while holding in a virtually full nose-down stick. Practical concern or not? Thanks.
Keep it like you've got it William - as long as it passes under the panel, you're good (you'll never have it that far forward in flight, but you want full travel). And no, I can't go full forward with my thumb on the coolie hat - but needing to trim when you have to put the stick that far forward is....hard to imagine!

Thanks, Paul. That's pretty much the way I'd figured it, but just wanted a reality check because - why not.
On with the wiring!
Stick grip clearance

Ditto what Paul said. I have an RV-4 that had the same issue and had to trim just a tad off the stick. If I had my thumb on the coolie hat switch (why do we call it a coolie anyway) I can't clear the panel. I tested this in flight and could never get a situation that my stick was ever that far forward, period. Next time you fly you'll see that from takeoff to touchdown the stick really never moves that much at all. Van really did design a good airplane. ****, I moved the stick more in the F-16 if you can believe that!