
Well Known Member
I spent today installing the sticks in the 2 RV8's I'm building and ran into something I haven't seen in the previous 4 RV's I've built.
The front stick bushing has an extreme amount of play in it. The rear sticks are fine no play or very little. The bent stick that I got from Stick Woody is fine also. The 2 sticks that are bad were shipped in March of 07, and they measure about .388 inside diameter with the bushings measuring about .375 outside dia. . The rear sticks and the bent stick are all slightly larger than the bushing, which makes for very nice wobble free movement. The .013 difference in the bad sticks translates to 3/8 inch play at the end of the stick. Bad, Bad , Bad. Fortunately the bent stick works well for the RV8 that I fully intend to keep this time. But I'll have to see if Van's has a good one to replace one of these 2 bad ones. Anyone else experience this on recent kits?

My sticks had a little too much wobble, so I had a machinist friend lightly knurlize the outer surface. Helped some. When the front one wears down to where there's too much play, I'll just get some bushing stock and have my friend turn it down to the correct diameter.