
Well Known Member
I was up yesterday and today doing some aileron rolls. Once I got the stick hard over, I felt a very slight left-right wobble in the stick. Happened every roll

Any of you notice this? Any explanations?
Probably the air is separating on the trailing edge of the down going aileron at full deflection. That will change the stick forces. That is assuming nothing is loose in your control circuit and that you have the right amount of up vs down deflection.
This is common. Separation at high angle of attack of the aileron. Think "stall burble' but on the actual aileron versus the wing.

Solution: Don't use full aileron. Hardly needed to get a nice smooth roll.

This ain't an Extra so going for max rate isn't really needed.

The true acro bubbas might have more inputs but for this 'acro for fun' guy I just like nice lazy rolls -beside full deflection the stick hits my thigh. If I push over until just before the stick contacts my leg I find it about right....

All short wing RVs do this with full aileron deflection. Solution is to use between 1/2 and 2/3 deflection. The airplane still rolls plenty fast.