
Active Member
I think this may have been kicked around before but I was wondering how short I can make my control sticks in my 6. After flying for 2 years I find that I'm crusing around with my hand about 6" above my leg with my elbow on the "armrest". My sticks are still the original length.
Short end of the Stick

houndsfour said:
I think this may have been kicked around before but I was wondering how short I can make my control sticks in my 6. After flying for 2 years I find that I'm crusing around with my hand about 6" above my leg with my elbow on the "armrest". My sticks are still the original length.

I'm hardly an experienced, high time RV driver what with a grand total of 20 hours or so logged but here goes. I cut my control stick down several inches from stock length and never looked back. I have an Infinity grip installed and yet find myself occasionally flying the plane by "manipulating" the stick with my fingers tips from below the grip at cruise. I could be wrong and this may seem naive or obvious, but why don't you just grip the stick down lower, pretend the upper portion no longer exists and simply fly the plane. Try "loading it up" with intentional out of trim forces, some steep turns, possibly landings. I would suppose you'd likely discover a personal comfort zone soon enough.

Rick Galati RV-6A "Darla"
I had to cut my stick down because there was a possibility the Infinity stick grip could be placed between the throttle and mixture;


I cut the stick down just enough so that the top of the control grip passes just below the throttle knob when doing a full control-stick check at runup.

Please note that my panel is 1" longer than the stock RV-6A panel so that I could get the 8-stack of instruments there on the right side.

Like Rick, I too hold the stick with my fingers below the Infinity grip in cruise, and I only use the Infinity grip at takeoff, landing and when flying formation.

I've been very happy with the RV response with a bit shorter stick though keep in mind that Van doesn't recommend you cut the stick ;) Rosie
Cut mine down during construction

Cut mine down an inch during construction to clear throttle in nonstandard location. No noticable problem in flight.

Bob Axsom
stick length

I cut mine down pretty short, but it worked out well. With hand on the Infinity stick grip, the forearm just barely rests on the thigh. It is great for XC: both forearms rest on the thighs and use index fingers for "autopilot".
Thanks for the info. Sounds like we all fly about the same way. I think I will shorten my sticks about 2 inchs. One thing I did noticed was when landing in a cross wind I don't over control as much if I grip the stick just below the top of the stick. Well thanks again.
See all ya all around