
Well Known Member
I'm in the process of final assembly on my 4 project.(yeah!) I've set the controls up per the dimensions in the plans and the front stick is the exact dimension as show but at full forward movement it just barely clears the bottom of the instrument panel. Looking at photos I see some guys have mounted transponders etc. under the panel in front of the control stick with plenty of clearance. No way I can do that with my stick at the 19" something inches length called for in the plans. Do I need to adjust the push rod to hit max forward elevator movement of the control stick before it reaches the panel ? Am I missing something here or are guys using shorter sticks. My wife claims I over estimate how long things are but I actually measured this...
Skip RV4#1904
My vintage 1992 RV-4 has stick movement to at least 4" forward of the bottom edge of the instrument panel. The ptt clears the panel by about a half inch. You might be able to move that back a bit, but I doubt you could get 4" and still be able to fully flair the plane before the stick is inside your gut.

FWIW, the only time I have my hand on the top of my stick is when doing aggressive movements during acro, and TO/landing operations. Even then, it's not really required; that's just where the grip is. You'd have to be a real wimp to have control authority be a problem with a -4. :)

Some are longer than others....

I cut my RV4 front stick for the O-1A Birddog stick grip to fit in my my hand with my arm resting on my leg. This gave me plenty of clearance under the panel. When I built it back it the late 1980’s most RV4 builders set the stick length similarly. I used the same logic on my HR2 front stick.

BTW, I left my center area clear of clutter or any avionics and hinged my battery box cover. This allows use as a forward baggage area. My odyssey battery is on the firewall.

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Skip, I would caution you not to cut down your stick too much as you lose leverage the shorter it is. I don't remember if I cut mine down but compared to my -8 the stick forces were so much better on my -4. BTW, back in the day we used motorcycle grips.

My battery is on the firewall so I have a clear area in the tunnel. I want to mount the TXP under the panel to keep the top of the tunnel clear to use for storage like Smokeys picture.
Currently with the plans called for stick length and a Ray Allen grip there is about 1/2" clearance below the panel. If I cut the stick down 3/4 " or so things should work.
Thanks all
Should have checked mine for feel on your last visit!

My stick with Ray Allen grip is about 1/2"-3/4" below the panel. About the only time you will have it pushed that far is during control checks and pushing the tail up fast. I'd keep it as long as possible, as it can be shortened easily even with the wiring and all in place..I shortened mine with a little hand tubing cutter and pair of snips to split the cut-off piece. I have my flap control buttons on the top of my grip, which are higher than the trim buttons.





Skip, you can see from the pics I dropped my brace in the back down for transponder and radios- I found the AP, added that in the center and then the carbon fiber drop down. I'm only 5-7" and it's ok. I don't know if someone 6'+ would like it. I did put a little dog leg in the end of the stick and kinked it just a bit. The only thing that barely hits the AP are my knuckles, when I push full forward. Hope this helps
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