Don E

Well Known Member
I?ve noticed a few times feeling some light ?pulses? in the stick under certain conditions of power, speed and AOA. Pulses in pitch, not roll. I?m thinking it?s prop wash or something similar, but wondered if any others have experienced this feedback thru the stick? It goes away with almost any change in power power or pitch.

Hi Don, I have not noticed that but there was another post about this a while back. Perhaps he found a cause or solution.
Not a 14 driver, but I have never felt pulsing in the stick of either the 6 or the 10, except with full aileron defection during a roll (in the 6 of course). I would be very surprised to learn that stick pulsing could be caused by prop wash and would be somewhat concerned with it if I were you. IMO, a call to Vans is in order.

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Previous thread

Thanks for your responses. It seems there was an earlier thread on his subject which I missed. Think I?ve got the solution.
Not a 14 driver, but I have never felt pulsing in the stick of either the 6 or the 10, except with full aileron defection during a roll (in the 6 of course). I would be very surprised to learn that stick pulsing could be caused by prop wash and would be somewhat concerned with it if I were you. IMO, a call to Vans is in order.


No pulses in pitch, but I too notice some pulsing/jerking when performing full deflection aileron rolls. Just curious what the simple aerodynamic explanation is for this if anyone cares to share?
I do see small pulses in the stick when it is coupled to the autopilot and my hand is off the stick. If I put as much as one finger on the stick, those pulses go away and also there is no attitude change while the pulses are visible.
I would characterize mine more of a vibration than pulse.
No pulses in pitch, but I too notice some pulsing/jerking when performing full deflection aileron rolls. Just curious what the simple aerodynamic explanation is for this if anyone cares to share?
I use to have this in my RV7A but not in the 14A and it has been discussed in the link above.
I think the post you?re looking for was posted on 3-07-2019, 1:35 pm, titled ?elevator pulsing/hunting?. Explanation seemed to be that the elevator horn was slightly thicker than the stabilizer tip right in front of it. Re-working the tip to be thicker seemed to be the fix.