
Well Known Member
a user recently pointed out that the ROM VOR and KC80 airport have some issues on the sectional charts (SF=San Francisco, LA=Los Angeles).

When stitching the charts there is little I can do besides switching the order when merging the charts. Currently LA wins. If I let SF 'win' then that fixes ROM and KC80, but then KPTV loose information instead.

Best would of course if FAA/Aeronav actually _fix_ the overlap issue, but I wouldn't hold my breath.. Also, FAA/Aeronav never really intended for the charts to be stitched together.

So, please, let me know which you would prefer. Bring out your paper charts and examine the overlap, or of course use some of the online resources.

There are some examples of what the current/test charts look like here:

Disclaimer: I'm the developer of SkyCharts.
Best would of course if FAA/Aeronav actually _fix_ the overlap issue, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Somewhere on the charts or on their website is an email address to make suggestions, point out errors, etc. I've used this a few times, and always got an immediate, grateful response...followed by a fix to the chart in one or two cycles. So give them a try.