
Well Known Member
As an RV-6A builder, and formerly a VariEze builder, this accomplishment is especially sweet as I lived in Salina, Kansas as a child and remember the SAC alerts as B-47's and KC-97s roared off the same runway Steve landed on.

My dad was site activation officer for the Atlas Missle program. I once spent the night in dad's car as an Atlas D was placed into the silo in the middle of a Kansas blizzard.

I am amazed at how the RV community as well as homebuilders in general have contributed to progress in aviation and space. Glad I've been there to see some of the action!

Vern Darley
Falcon RV Squadron
Peachtree City, GA
Congrats to Steve. I knew he would do it!!

Wow Vern, can I relate to your childhood. I grew up in the "duck and cover" days. My dad was in the WI ANG at Billy Mitchell Field in MKE. They had P-51s, then F-89s, then KC-97s and now KC-135s. Spent many days at the airport watching planes and occasionally getting a ride in the club Aeronca, Ercoupe, or C-140.

Our son lives in Acworth. Next time we are there, I'll give you a call.

Cross Country or local flight

I heard on the radio today that technically, Steve Fossets 20,000 nm flight would have to be entered in his log book as a local flight. According to FAA requirements, a cross country entry requires take off and landing at different airports. Imagine that??!!
Cross-country time defined

Technically true...but the real question is, can he log a 1G outside loop?

Title 14 CFR Part 61.1.

(3) Cross-country time means?

(i) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3)(ii) through (b)(3)(vi) of this section, time acquired during flight?

(A) Conducted by a person who holds a pilot certificate;

(B) Conducted in an aircraft;

(C) That includes a landing at a point other than the point of departure; and

(D) That involves the use of dead reckoning, pilotage, electronic navigation aids, radio aids, or other navigation systems to navigate to the landing point.
In this case, that rule is what I call a "crock". :mad:

In this instance, the FAA 'rule' should be broken. It's not like others will be flocking to their logbooks to record an entry such as this!