
Well Known Member
Local builder had a nice article about his build in the uber-liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitutition today.

I am a little embarassed

This thing has really gotten out of hand. A few weeks ago they could not find any speakers for our EAA Chapter 690 Pancake Breakfast so someone said, "Let's get Ashby, he thinks that he is going to fly around the world once he finishes his 8A." Like an idiot, I said OK and rambled on about my dream. Hey, at least I got a free breakfast that month. The next thing I know, some lady calls me from the Atlanta Journal Constitution and wants to talk to me about this building an airplane in your basement and flying it around the world thing. Now, I am some sort of mini celeb and I keep telling people that I am just a dweeb with a dream. If I pull this RTW thing off, then come interview me. After all, over 5,000 other pilots have completed RVs (not to mention Lancairs, Glassairs, Kit Foxes, etc.) and I certainly do not rank with them since I have not even finished my project yet. They should interview Bill Randolph, a guy who built his own 8 and flew that sucker around the world when he was 77 years old! Now that guy is a stud. Or how about Jon Johansen, who built his own RV-4 and flew it around the world three (countem, three) times. I guess the only good thing about all of this publicity is that I will absolutely, positively have to finish my ship and do a good enough job that it will haul my sorry fanny across each meridian of longitude or else I will go down as some sort of sorry poser. One thing is for certain, however. I really am going to do it.
Aaaaah, the will to complete...

.....and all that. Building an airplane is, in my opinion, a feat that is highly admired and respected by the general public as well as we builders and GA pilots.

A RTW flight is another dream that I'm sure many of us have but don't have the cajones to even attempt. ....we're all watching Steve,

Way to go Steve! Joining the elite "Earth Rounder" club is quite an accomplishment. Since you've made the announcement you should now subscribed to the service that can help with the paperwork to fly around the world.

My advice is avoid Afghanistan, Iran, Antarctica, and Canada. I was involved in a limited way in the second attempt in the flight below.
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embarassed HA! you go Steve

the article made my day as I saw it in the paper when it came out

Hey I know that guy!