
Well Known Member
So I was wondering around Oshkosh today. I happened upon the Sterna Prop booth. They had a 3 Blade, ground adjustable prop, hollow carbon fiber, prop with spinner and spacer for $1800 for my RV-4.

Does anyone have any experience with them? It looked like a quality product. They guarentee the prop for 2000 hours.


Be as critical as you care to be. I am considering this prop. There isn't a glut of 3 blade ground adjustable props on the market.

Made in China. Never heard of them, no track record. If you have a problem, who are you going to call?
Admittedly, a new, unknown company in China would seem to lower your odds of a successful outcome, but nobody seems to worry about running foreflight on Chinese computers. :)

They would know that it will be tough penetrating the US pilot market. Have you thought about offering to be a beta tester?

These are fixed-pitch, ground-adjustable props. They are from a new company in China. And prop issues, if they happen in flight, can be severe.

While these might be worth checking out, I think if it were me, I'd want something from a company with a bit more corporate experience at props and some serious service history in that model prop. I'm thinking that some of the currently available ground-adjustable props sometimes have service letters that reflect problems, even if they've been built by a company that's been around for a while.

To me, some actual history in the make and model of your engine, operated over the same speed range, would make me more comfortable. Frankly, I would not be a potential customer for a newly-introduced uncertified prop even if it were from a U.S. or European company.

When I first saw your post, I thought you misspelled Ed Sterba's name. Then I read it is a Chinese company, so it all makes sense :-(
Admittedly, a new, unknown company in China would seem to lower your odds of a successful outcome, but nobody seems to worry about running foreflight on Chinese computers


Your point that virtually every consumer product we buy is now Chinese made is certainly true. But if an ipad dies you just keep on flying. If a prop sheds a blade the engine will almost certainly leave the rest of the airplane. So an "unsucessful outcome" means you die unless it happens on the ground in which case you scrap your engine. We all have our own threshold of risk but this is cerainly beyond mine.
They should sell a bunch cheap to the Lycoming powered air boat folks to get some safe operational experience. :)