
Active Member
For those of you have completed a TD. Would you recommend installing the steps? I would rather not unless they are really needed. I am told I can install the associated support structures in the fuselage and install them after the build if I find them a necessity. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks.

I just received the TD steps from Van's. My hope is they will keep someone from stepping on the flap or outside the walkway. Kinda pricey at $450 but a LOT cheaper than a flap. I have a friend currently dealing with a bent flap seal.

I’ve owned two RV-8s. One had the step and the other doesn’t. If you are more “seasoned” and or shall we say “more well rounded”, the step definitely makes getting into it and out easier. Given a choice, I’d like the step but it’s completely manageable either way.
The other thing to consider is passengers. Climbing in and out is easy if you do it frequently. For your 50 YO aunt or uncle, not so much. They will greatly appreciate a step.
Years ago I added steps to my RV-6 because Ann & I are both short and old!

I did not use Van's step. I made my own out of steel "wing strut" material brought straight out just behind the flap. No welds! Works great.
I didn’t want to, but would not be without them

The step up onto a -14 is higher than any other Vans TD. I’m 6’3” and always use the step. Most passengers would be unable without it, or would damage the flap.
I am 6"-1" and wife is 5'-11" and steps are definitely needed. It likely will prevent inadvertently stepping on the flap someday by a passenger or less agile person. Also with the Taildragger you are stepping on a wing that is sloped up significantly.
Yes, absolutely. Im 6’4” and use the steps every time. The -14 is taller than the other models.
They are a must in my opinion
I’m just shy of 6ft and relatively fit and agile and I would struggle without them I think my wife would have no chance
They are a bit expensive but after having them would happily pay again and very glad I put them in
Not installing the steps is something I would do differently. Its pretty tricky to get in and out of the airplane without them. It also helps with the only downside I can come up with for the airplane and that is accessing the baggage compartment. Getting bags in and out from a standing position on the ground is a bit of a tricky move. Often times I end up standing on the wing or in a weird contortion trying to pick up that item against the rear baggage bulkhead.
I have 65 hours on my RV-14 without steps. If I had it to do over, I would put the steps on the plane. I might add them someday. For now, it motivates me to stay kind of in shape.