
Well Known Member
Just curious when people are actually placing the last 6 rivets on the left bottom skin to rear spar. The plans on step 9-19 say to leave open the last 6 but I can't see why or when they should be set and complete the close out. Is it for better access to place the foam ribs? If so, won't it damage the foam ribs setting the last 6 rivets?
Hi Bart - I believe it is part of pg 09-22, step 2, in which you pull the bottom skin down to gain access to the shop end of two AN426AD3-3 rivets. You can substitute MK-319-BS at that stage ... and I highly recommend using blind rivets instead of cramming a bucking bar into the elevator to buck those two AD3-3s. If you use blind rivets, you can close out those other 6 rivets beforehand.

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Hi Bart,
I?ve just completed this stage, now waiting for Proseal to cure. I looked many times for instruction to complete the last 6 rivets you mention but couldn?t find any. I just came to the conclusion that with all the rest of the Closeout completed and the next step inserting the foam ribs it was time to do it.
Happy building.
Thanks fellas. Mike, I had to laugh at your response because my wife and I decided to do just that.

Hi Bart
Same here, just completed the step and closed it before glueing the ribs in. It is also listed in the list of common mistakes in the other thread (Plan Gottchas).
I went through that a few weeks ago. I spent SOOOO much time looking through the plans to find out where I was missing that step. In the end, I did the same as you all and riveted before gluing the foam ribs. I wish I could get that time back where I second guessed myself about a million times!
You can never get that time back...

My tech counselor is so pro blind rivet it's not even funny. He knows that we all spend so much time thinking that it kills the spirit. I did a simple mod and it took me 5 hours to make sure it was possible. By flipping the right elevator ribs so they face inboard you can used the approved alternative pull rivets just on the bottom of the elevator and back rivet the entire top (less the two in board rivets on the counter weight skin). For the rear spar will you will need to use one of the neat riveting techniques shown just prior. My top elevator skins are my best work yet and look great!
