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Well Known Member
During my recent CC trip to the upper midwest, I took the opportunity to drive over and meet the folks of SteinAir in person.

Pretty much dropped in unannounced on these folks. The sign on the door says GO AWAY or something like that. The fine print lets you know that it is meant for unsolicited solicitors. Anyway the wife and I took our life into our own hands and went inside....

Once inside we found a 5-6 people heads down busy working hard on building panels. An entire room full of bench after bench of just about every brand of EFIS made and all the associated accessories.

Panels galore! Some finished, some just starting and everything in between.

Stein was out to lunch and running errands and while we waited Christer gave us the grand tour. I was like a kid in a candy store. I got to see systems that I had not seen in person yet and twist knobs on all the latest gear. He showed me their scheduling system, inventory areas, staging area and stacks of avionics ready to go into customer panels, their custom wiring diagram creation program that one of the SteinAir guys developed in house that is amazing, their CNC panel cutting machine, and a couple airplane projects in the back. One RV10 and another personal project of Stein's. (Think huge radial engine, tons of hand worked aluminum for the cowl and fairings, no fiberglass on this plane!)

After about an hour of touring and twisting knobs and asking Christer a million questions, we decided to go have a bite to eat. When we returned Stein was back and he spent at least another hour with me talking shop and discussing the way their business runs. We discussed many of the pros-cons and details of most of the major avionics brands these days. Looked at a few more details of some of the projects on the benches etc.

It was an awesome experience to get to spend a couple hours with those folks and I have to say Stein and his group are top notch people. He has a hard working shop and their attention to detail and knowledge of their business will be hard for anyone to beat.

I highly recommend anyone that is purchasing avionics/panels/instruments etc. to give Stein a chance to serve you. He most likely won't be the cheapest but SteinAir will end up being the most value for your dollar! SteinAir is way more than just a mail order broker of avionics!
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Did you get to see the Mullicoupe project? They don't just do wiring at Stein's place - he has a metal-smith that is a consummate artist! The "bump" cowling is fantastic....

Did you get to see the Mullicoupe project? They don't just do wiring at Stein's place - he has a metal-smith that is a consummate artist! The "bump" cowling is fantastic....


Yes!!! I went back and added this to my original post.

You are correct, the Mullicoupe sheetmetal is simply amazing. How anyone can work aluminum like that and not get a crack is beyond me! The bumps all around that huge cowl made out of one piece of metal is jaw dropping! All the compound curves of the intersection fairings are works of art.
My only concern is when good company's grow their business faster than their service. It is difficult at best to keep the two growing at the same pace. "Everyone's head down" can mean they're playing catch-up. I do think Van's has managed this facet of their business almost better than anything else they do. While they have been sucked under in their lifetime, they always manage to find a way back to the surface without sacrificing what they stand for.
My only concern is when good company's grow their business faster than their service. It is difficult at best to keep the two growing at the same pace. "Everyone's head down" can mean they're playing catch-up.

This is not my experience with Stein's. Whenever I call or email, I get the feeling that I am their only customer and that they are completely "on top" of my instrument design/build. Also, they are completely fine with my last minute changes and add-ons. A company "playing catch-up" would not typically email its customers with an alert that the Garmin discount was running out and that to take advantage of the savings, I needed to send in the forms right away.
I have had nothing but outstanding service from Stein and his employees and would not hesitate in recommending them to anyone.
My only concern is when good company's grow their business faster than their service. It is difficult at best to keep the two growing at the same pace. "Everyone's head down" can mean they're playing catch-up. I do think Van's has managed this facet of their business almost better than anything else they do. While they have been sucked under in their lifetime, they always manage to find a way back to the surface without sacrificing what they stand for.

I've been dropping in on Stein and his gang of ruffians for years now - always unexpectedly, and they have always been just the way this visit was described - all working, but ready to drop everything for a visit. I'm not too worried about 'em....

My only concern is when good company's grow their business faster than their service. It is difficult at best to keep the two growing at the same pace. "Everyone's head down" can mean they're playing catch-up. I do think Van's has managed this facet of their business almost better than anything else they do. While they have been sucked under in their lifetime, they always manage to find a way back to the surface without sacrificing what they stand for.

This is not at all the impression I got when I was there. What I saw was several skilled technicians doing their jobs. Stein and Christer were glad to make me feel like I was their only customer. Jed was working the phone the entire time I was there. I did not see Paul but I bet he normally does the same. I felt just as important as the guy that was getting the $100k panel being shipped that day. Even though Christer had never met me in person, he knew exactly who I was when he saw me walk in.
It was a pleasure to have Brian and his wife stop by for a visit...but it should be mentioned that they managed to sneak in RIGHT in the front of a nasty line of storms (dumped 10-12" of rain in around 4-6 hrs). The METAR closest to where they landed that afternoon shows some unfriendly winds: METAR KLSE 142153Z 14021G27KT which as I understand was a fairly stiff Xwind across the runway they landed on. Not the most enjoyable way to be greeted upon arrival after a long XC trip, but does show that it can be done and these RV's are fantastic airplanes!


PS - Anyone who's transacted any significant business directly with us can comment with first hand experience on service. As an aside, our business has remained the same size for a good many years now - not growing but not shrinking....just steady! I'd hate to walk in to someplace and see people sitting around with nothing to do, nor would I want to be paying employees to sit around with nothing to do....not a good way to run any business. We work hard, but we also play hard! Anyone is always free to stop by anytime and get some first hand non anectdotal data.
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This is exactly the reason I am buying $26K worth of instruments from Stein. I have spoke to him two times and he patiently answers any and all questions for as long as you want. He will get any of my wiring business, instruments, etc that I can think of. Get ready to build my G3X Stein!!
Remember those great BBQs at Oshkosh? Guess who put up the money for that? Guess who went to vendors on his own and got contributions? Then bought us a big grill?

and that's not even the business he and Jed are in. On THAT score, you can't find anyone who knows more, you can't find anyone who cares more, you can't find anyone else who'll treat you like the best customer whether you're getting one of those 100k panels or a simple Garmin cable.

There's really no reason -- none -- for any RVer to give their business to anyone else.

He makes you want to visit South Dakota to see if they're all like that out there.
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Mary and I were in the enviable position of building our airplane within a few miles of Stein's shop. (Just like Bob Collins and several others) I cannot tell you how much we always enjoyed our visit's to SteinAir. Mary even baked some of her world famous brownies a few times and delivered them when we visited. (That did not help on pricing, in case you were wondering!:D) Once when Mary commented on the general disarray of the employee break area, Stein offered to hire her to clean it up. She declined.:eek:
Stein, Jed, Christer, Mike H., Paul, Dave, Doug and the rest of the crew were always gracious and gave us lots of help. I spent a couple of nights one holiday weekend, (I think it might have been 4th of July 2008) programming my VP-200 after hours with Doug at SteinAir. Try that at most any other avionics shop! I have called a few times in the past 3 1/2 years since moving to FL with questions about my avionics and have always received excellent customer service after all this time.
The dogs running around in the shop were a great touch.:D The sign out front announcing that they did not play golf was especially meaningful to me, as a recovering golfer. That alone made me respect the entire operation!
I don't miss the Minnesota winters, but I definitely miss some of the wonderful people we met when we decided to build an RV. The MN wing of Van's Air Force, EAA Chapter 25, SteinAir, the good folks at Wipaire, our friend the inimitable Bob Collins, and many more friends made during the process. Fantastic memories.
Simply the best ...

Dealing with Stein and the guys is one of the best experiences in RV ownership. Smart, incredibly knowledgable, fun, and always willing to help. We're lucky to have an organization like that at our disposal.
Aside: I'm vacationing on Martha's Vineyard right now, and wore my SteinAir T-shirt yest'y .... the one that says, "We're not happy til you're broke" on the back. I had more than one person come up and ask me about it ... EVERYone thinks it's hilarious.
Stein's the best!

Although it's been years since Stein,, did my panel, I never pass up the opportunity to wave his banner! Compared with most panels these days, mine was pretty simple -- a couple of Dynons, some Garmin nav/comm stuff, a TT autopilot and a few steam gauges (that I NEVER look at, BTW) -- but very functional, symmetrical and still current (sort of). Despite the simplicity, Stein and the Boyz treated me like I was spending a gazillion bucks there, even long after the sale.

More than once I would run into some issue and a quick phone call had some special wire jumper that they had concocted on its way for a quick fix.

I'm sure that there are other really fine avionics shops out there, but they can't be any better than SteinAir. :)
My experience with Steinair wasn't quite the same. Certainly not bad, but middle of the road. I had requested quotes (via e-mail) for a Skyview setup along with some other avionics. I recieved the quote with a resonable turnaround time. I went back with an adjustment for the quote and also asked some questions about the non-dynon avionics to make sure I was getting the correct items. I got a response but all my questions were ignored. The price from Steinair was the highest of all those quotes I received so I didn't push any farther than that. I ordered elsewhere and am very happy with my purchase. This certainly hasn't turned me off from Steinair, I have ordered from their website since. They just didn't get my 'big' (for me at least) avionics $$ and probably won't for the last couple of items I have yet to purchase.
Stein spent at least 30 minutes on the phone with me today educating me on skyview and g3x systems. He is one of those guys you just have to like...

I half expected to buy a panel this week...but he talked me into waiting for Oshkosh to see what pops. Who talks a potential client out of spending money??

Good guy, good company.
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Since you are the first person I have found that hasn't consumed the Kool-Aid, I will admit that on June 6th I talked to Stein about a G3X system with a Trutrac AP and necessary radios. He was excited about the choice and suggested I put it all in an email, send straight to his adds and he would get right on it.. It has now been three weeks and I have heard nothing. Like you, I changed my plan. I too have bought equipment and supplies from Steinair but am disappointed that a potential sale (now two) have fallen through the cracks. Yes, I think he's a great guy and I like him. This is not a bashing. It is simply a review of an experience. Many have had wonderful experiences and I'm happy for them. I have found another outfit that satisfied all my concerns within the same day.

My experience with Steinair wasn't quite the same. Certainly not bad, but middle of the road. I had requested quotes (via e-mail) for a Skyview setup along with some other avionics. I recieved the quote with a resonable turnaround time. I went back with an adjustment for the quote and also asked some questions about the non-dynon avionics to make sure I was getting the correct items. I got a response but all my questions were ignored. The price from Steinair was the highest of all those quotes I received so I didn't push any farther than that. I ordered elsewhere and am very happy with my purchase. This certainly hasn't turned me off from Steinair, I have ordered from their website since. They just didn't get my 'big' (for me at least) avionics $$ and probably won't for the last couple of items I have yet to purchase.
There is no Kook-Aid, just a good vendor getting recognition for a job well done.

Small businesses are a challenge to run and usually the owner is chief cook and bottle washer and does everything from take out the trash to pay the mortgage.

It is possible that your email ended up in a spam trap or something. It happens all the time. It is also possible that he missed it. It happens, nobody is perfect. Instead of waiting three weeks for a response, I would have just called him and asked him where the heck was my quote.

I am amazed at how spoiled we all have become as consumers. We have unlimited information at our fingertips that put us at a major advantage to the vendors. We know the prices of their ten closest competitors. We expect service within hours instead of the days and weeks it used to take to mail order something. We expect online orders to be shipped same day with a tracking number emailed to us within 5 minutes of placing the order. We expect it to be shipped and arrive on our doorstep the next morning. We expect that there always be someone on the other end of the void of cyberspace called EMAIL and never want to have to talk to someone face to face or on the phone. We expect that there always be a personal support representative on the other end to personally take care of any need we may have and we want them to do that instantly. Oh and we want it all to come at no additional cost to us.
Posting a review on here that even hints at a vendor flaw always brings flames. That is an unfortunate consequence of all forums. It's too bad we always have to get a speech on greed and selfishness when we try to share unfortunate vendor experiences with others. I have met Stein, I like him as well. Yes the email he requested may have been lost along with the phone number that was transmitted via phone. I am the customer...the one with the is not simply a privilege to purchase anything, it is a choice. You can ask to have it your way. That doesn't make you greedy and spoiled. The alternative is to never say anything and take what you get. It is a completive business. Why would I track down a disinterested vendor when there are ten more to choose from until I find one that satisfies me? What satisfies you may not satisfy me. That certainly does not make me feel the need to question your sanity.
It is possible that your email ended up in a spam trap or something. It happens all the time. It is also possible that he missed it. It happens, nobody is perfect. Instead of waiting three weeks for a response, I would have just called him and asked him where the heck was my quote.

This is one of the major drawbacks to communications that do not include actually talking to a live person.

I for one, would never have sent an email in the first place, I would have called.

For what its worth, I have had nothing but good experience with purchases from Steinair.

But, all my purchases have been via telephone.
Hi Guys,

No reason to take sides here. We do appreciate the kind words, but we can also recognize frustration as well. We build our airplanes too, so we know what it's like on both sides of the fence. As with anything where there are human interactions, things can and do get missed - despite everyones best intentions and efforts. I will say that with emails, many companies now have to have fairly tight spam/junk filters and things just sometimes get stuck back - it's the double edged sword. If we loosen up the filters, then we get deluged with thousands of pieces of garbage but when we tighten it up, some things just get clogged up. Another possibility is that I or one of my folks accidentally delete it, or miss it, or some other human error. I would encourage follow up to singular emails if you don't hear anything back (at least that's what I try to do). Nobody is infallible, and I certainly hope that nobody is claiming that we are - we have our faults as well.

I think pretty much everyone that participates in this forum as a business are pretty good folks (I've dealt with most of them) and I think everyone tries their best. Mistakes can and do happen, but everyone tries to keep it the minority, not the majority. I will say that like the other small businesses on this forum, we truly do apprecaite the business whether it be small or large, and we do apprecaite folks patience.

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Dude nobody flamed you or questioned your sanity. The speech you refered to was more focused at myself than anyone else. Notice I said we and not you. We meaning most of society, myself included....

Posting a review on here that even hints at a vendor flaw always brings flames. That is an unfortunate consequence of all forums. It's too bad we always have to get a speech on greed and selfishness when we try to share unfortunate vendor experiences with others. I have met Stein, I like him as well. Yes the email he requested may have been lost along with the phone number that was transmitted via phone. I am the customer...the one with the is not simply a privilege to purchase anything, it is a choice. You can ask to have it your way. That doesn't make you greedy and spoiled. The alternative is to never say anything and take what you get. It is a completive business. Why would I track down a disinterested vendor when there are ten more to choose from until I find one that satisfies me? What satisfies you may not satisfy me. That certainly does not make me feel the need to question your sanity.
Dude nobody flamed you or questioned your sanity. The speech you refered to was more focused at myself than anyone else. Notice I said we and not you. We meaning most of society, myself included....
Man, I can certainly see some of what you commented on in me! Brantel, I agree your statements can be focused on me. Just this past week I had to dope slap myself (ok, just figuratively speaking) because I was getting perturbed that several people I was dealing with did not reply to my email as quickly as I thought they should have. I can sure relate to needing an adjustment to my way of thinking when it comes to dealing with communication with vendors, and for that matter, with people in general.

Live Ling and Prosper!
There is a reason business is called competition. If someone is doing it better than the rest, they win and I want to hear about them in here. I see nothing wrong with expecting vendors to live up to what they promise. If they say they will send you a quote..then they should do so. If they are too swamped in orders to bother with you that is GREAT...for them. Another vendor will happily take your order and I see nothing wrong with describing that experience on a discussion board....afterall, it's not called a vendor board.

Brantel, if you go back and re-read it, surely you can see where it looks like you were having a bit of a go at Peter. You quoted him directly with the cool-aid reference. I read it that way anyway and I can certainly see his point about getting jumped on in here for even a mild statement, even if completely true.
How come all of these threads end up like this, endless back and forth.....

I am done with this one....

Have a great day folks and enjoy building and flying RV's! :)
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