
Well Known Member
I am trying to contact Stein and both their voice mail boxes are full and I get no response from email. Any news?
Stein got involved in a group purchase for an electric trim controller, I bought one, and it turned out to a vastly more work than he was thinking. I think hey are just swamped under all of the work. I have been getting e-mails from him about the purchase and I just received an order that I placed on the web.

Steve Eberhart
I'm thinking the electricity froze in the wires. Once everything thaws out, you will probably hear from him.
Just talked to him

I just ordered a TruTrak ADI from him less than 30 min ago. No problem getting to him by phone.


Indeed the phone message inboxes are full, as they are every week on Mondays....we try our darndest to ask people nicely about calling on Mondays, but they get filled up over the weekends and because we get about 200+ phone calls on Monday it takes us until the end of the day to get them cleaned out. We have four phone lines and three people that literally spend 8 hrs on Monday and Tuesday answering calls.

Anyway, I just sent you an email with my personal cell phone number on it....

Best Regards,

I'm thinking the electricity froze in the wires. Once everything thaws out, you will probably hear from him.

I just went to the food store and purchased a Juicy Juice box. I have all the juice I need.....mabe I should send some unfrozen juice to them.

That's all a bunch of ****! Stein is out back digging through the snow looking for his finger! LOL Hows it going stumpy? ;)

Man I can relate to all of the calls on Monday. It seems that everyone that is even closely related to an RV buyer calls on Mondays!

Hang in there Stein we love you man!
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Stein Is the Man!!

Stein is the Man!!! I have never dealt with a nicer group of people and Stein is the head of that.
He has a customer for life in me:D