
Well Known Member
Hi All,

Just a quick update regarding the Trim Controller group buy.

I have been going through the list and accumulating contacts, orders, etc..

It's a HUGE undertaking and VERY time consuming, seeing as how a good share of you just said "I'll take a dual" or something along those lines and didn't provide much of a clue as to who you's pretty hard for me to figure out who the heck you are when you don't leave a name, don't have a name in your profile, don't leave an email, and don't have an email in your profile. I know who many of you are, bit certainly not all of you.

Luckily many of you were able to follow instructions and left me contact info, bit for the rest (which is LOT), Our esteemed Doug Reeves is now going to spend many hours of his time as well helping me accumulate the names and emails for many of you who didn't provide them.

Sorry if I sound a bit sarcastic, but truthfully I've spent dozens of hours accumulating this list, the thread is over 75 pages long when printed out, and having to research many of the somewhat anonymous posters is just taking a LOT of time.

I have at least half of you in my excel spreadsheet, and Doug Reeves is also going to send me what he can this weekend (he's going through it now). It's taking awhile because the only way to get hold of some of you is with private messages in this forum, and that just adds more hours.

So, a BIG THANKS to all of those who signed up and at least provided your name, email, phone or some other way to get hold of you!!!!


I guess I didn't realize that you were expecting the full contact info in the "I'm interested" reply. Ain't no way I'm going to post my personal contact info in a public forum where it can be hoovered up by spambots, so where should I email it to? :)


I left my email address in the post, but I think you might get through this faster if you gave us an email address, then each of us could send you an email with our info and what # of our post in the VAF thread. Then all you would have to do is mark off each post. Just an idea.

No Worries guys....Doug Reeves is going to help us out here a little bit and get me more data this weekend!

I didn't need full contact info that could be stolen, but at least a name is a good start...which the 2 (and many others) of you did just fine....that gives me a starting point.

But, there were a ton of people with NO name in the post at all, and that makes it tough to figure out who you are!

Sent you an email


I sent you an email (using the email address that is listed under your profile) with my contact info.

Mike Coates
Post thread number

maybe you could post in this thread, the thread number in the original thread of the people you're having problems getting the contact info. (I'm not sure this is very clear)
Or was using the messaging system of VAF not possible?

My thread number is #42, and I listed my email, so I think I don't have to worry.
No worries, Pascal. I'll pull the contact info for all involved from the admin tool that runs behind the forums and will fwd to Stein. Glad to help!


maybe you could post in this thread, the thread number in the original thread of the people you're having problems getting the contact info. (I'm not sure this is very clear)
Or was using the messaging system of VAF not possible?

My thread number is #42, and I listed my email, so I think I don't have to worry.
Requested Info

My computer locked-up:mad: when I attempted to reply to your e-mail and I lost your original message - so am going to try this way.

Name: Ed Markline
E-Mail: [email protected]
Order: 2 Speed-2 Axis controller(I don't remember the P/N), air speed switch, pre-wired harness. (I think that's all but will check the catalogs to be sure)


air switch

Well, I took advantage of the air switch stein was offering as well as the trim/harness deal...where are folks going to install their air switches. Obviously where there is:
a) pitot line running by and b) where one can adjust the sensitivity.
Any progress here?

I got my email from Stein on day when this thread was started. Replied there few days later with some questions. Haven't heard anything since then.

So in case everybody else are waiting as well I wish to be updated where are we going. It sure takes time to build all harnesses, but are we talking days, weeks months...?

And I'm not in serious hurry, but I hate to be in 'uninformed' state.
The trim systems have started shipping as of today. We are furiosly working through the list, and have tried to keep the flying/almost flying guys on the top. As we work through the list in the next week most of you should be getting a notice from us.

Sorry for the delay. Honestly most of it has been logistics - we've learned a lot from this and next time will handle it a little bit different. It's taken a LOT of hours to accumulate all of the names, order, etc..

Anyway, the units are now shipping. If you don't hear from us in the next couple weeks, feel free to check in and see if we missed you (hope not)!

Thanks again for everyone's patience and enjoy the weekend. We get to look forward to another day where the HIGH temp is supposed to be -1oF, kind of waiting for winter to end. :)
