
Well Known Member
How are you doing? Fingers starting to work?

We are all wishing you a great recovery.

Richard Scott
RV-9A Fuselage
Hi All,

First let me take a moment and thank everyone for all the kind words, cards and notes. I should have thanked everyone long ago, but my typing/writing skill still are horrible (as noted by my loooong response times to get back to people).

Luckily, thing like the Kettle Korn helped out (thanks a million Darwin) as did the other goodies that people sent. It is truly amazing to find out how many people in this community really do care.

Overall the healing is going well, just not overly fast. The missing finger still isn't growing back (perhaps I should try miracle grow), but other than that things are progressing nicely. My brain still is all messed up and regularly causes phatom itches/pains in the part that is missing - which is more annoying than you can imagine. I'm off all those crazy bad narcotic/pain pills now, and my hand just feels like it has a bad sprain. The fingers are stiff and I'm working on stretching out the tendons that got messed up. People around here are always waiting for me to drop my bottle of soda, see a pen go flying across the desk, or watch me try to tie my shoes....all of which merit a good solid laugh from everyone!

Anyway, I think that sooner or later I'll write up a good solid review of what happened with all the gory details. Not for entertainment, bit as a learning lesson to everyone who forgets how quickly these things can happen.

I think the worse part of the whole ordeal is literally having to see everyday (thousands of times) a reminder of your own stupidity. You can't imagine how many times I've replayed the entire incident in my head (the prop, the noise my hand made hitting it, the felling of my hand as it happened, and looking down to see what just happened - then searching for your own body parts in the grass afterwards), and the whole "God I was stupid" thing is hard to get over.

Anyway, I refuse to feel too bad about it because I don't have to look too hard to find people who are much worse off then I am. It could have (and probably should have) been a whole lot worse. Dan Lloyds accident has reminded me just how lucky I am, and if I start feeling down about the whole thing I just think of all the people I know with serious problems who would gladly trade me spots.

It's like everything in life....when you get depressed about money, your project, personal issues, physical issues, etc.. you need to remind yourself that while there are always people better off than you, there are always a whole lot more who are a lot worse off - almost no matter the situation.

Again, I'm sincerely thankfull for all the support and patience from people as I try to get back to 100% (or 90% as it may be) :)

As I said, sooner or later I'll take the time to write the entire thing down in hopes of keeping someone else from doing something so stupid! This Thanksgiving reminded me how thankfull I am to have what I do. I don't have much money, the nicest airplanes, a new car, a big house, or any other hugely measureable "things", bit I do have one of the greatest groups of friends and customers anyone in the world could ask for.

Have a good holiday season and be safe.

Glad to see you have retained your sense of humor. I didn't know you before your "incident", but I can certainly tell you have one now!

Just be glad you can count your missing digit. Like you said, it can always be worse.